The magnetic behaviour of actinide complexes are of interest as these show unusual physics that relate to single molecule magnet behaviour. We have studied the magnetic behaviour of U(IV) compounds where we can control the geometry whilst keeping the same ligands - this has not been reported in the literature for any f-block metal complex. Computational investigations have shown that [Et4N]4[U(NCS)8], which has a RT cubic geometry, may show a Jahn-Teller distortion at low temperatures; this may explain the results we obtained from Inelastic Neutron Scattering experiments. To probe this in detail we measured to X-ray structure at 4K and there was evidence of a distortion but as the uranium dominates the diffraction, this was not conclusive. Single crystal neutron diffraction does show a distortion but the results need powder diffraction to confirm this. This is the objective of this work.