Neutron Diffraction Study of Deformation in Coarse-Grained Cast Alpha-Uranium
This experiment aims to obtain experimental data to validate crystal plasticity modelling of a metal with a complex, anisotropic, crystal structure. We propose to measure the... -
Effects of diffusional hydrogen concentration on elastoplastic deformation be...
The hydrogen embrittlement mechanism is one of long-term research topics of ultrahigh strength steels involving the microstructure optimization control. It is valuable to... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Measurement combined with the First Cyclic Deform...
As additive manufacturing (AM) is moving into the production of more heavily loaded end-use components, particularly within the aerospace sector, improved understanding of the... -
Residual strain measurement in suspension based thermal sprayed nanostructure...
Suspension and solution precursor (SSP) spraying is an emerging thermal spraying technology which utilises liquid feedstock containing sub-micrometre and nanoparticles. Alumina... -
Residual Stress in Machined Aluminium Blocks
Tentative approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0015 -
Imaging the elastic strain distribution in a coarse grain Ni-based superalloy...
RS5 is a nickel-based superalloy used in the manufacture of large cast jet engine components. Scatter observed in fatigue test results makes it difficult for the aerospace...