Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1980
Anketiranci na začetku primerjajo različne vidike življenja v lastnem okolju z življenjem pred petimi leti. V naslednjem sklopu, ki je namenjen kulturni dediščini, anketirani... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1981/82
Vprašalnik se začne z vprašanji, ki se navezujejo na gospodarsko krizo. Naslednji sklop se ukvarja z družbenopolitičnimi organizacijami, volitvami in delegatskim sistemom. V... -
Factors and Forms of Development of Young People in the GDR (1968 - 1980) IS ...
Recording typical forms and courses of personality development of GDR-youth in the 70's as well as their significant determinants. Topics: employment and work proving its worth... -
Factors and Forms of Development of Young People in the GDR (1968 - 1980) IS ...
Recording typical forms and courses of personality development of GDR-youth in the 70's as well as their significant determinants. Topics: employment and work proving its worth... -
Code/Syntax: Fixed-term employment and leaving intention
Akademische Karrieresysteme in Europa variieren deutlich. In Tenure-Systemen können nach der Promotion unbefristete Stellen erreicht werden, in Rauf-oder-raus-Systemen...