Accomplishments of Mathematics in Primary School 1983
Mathematics achievement test for 2nd graders in three parallel test forms. Sociodemographic and school background variables: Sex; age (month and year of birth); district... -
Living Conditions and Support of Highly Gifted Schoolchildren 1985 Parents S...
Living conditions of particularly capable schoolchildren and the effects of school and family support measures. Schoolchildren and parents questionnaire, supplemental form on... -
Interval Study Capabilities: Older Cohort 1985-1995, 2nd Wave 1986
Development forms and influence factors of development of mental achievements in childhood and adolescence (particularly at transfer from lower grade, junior high and high... -
Workbook: Social Origins and School Career (High School)
Social origins and school achievements of schoolchildren as well as information from parents on this. The data set contains a election of variables from studies 0600 and 0639... -
Workbook: Social Origins and School Career (Elementary School)
School sucess and social structure. Selection of variables from ZA Study No. 0826 as example data set for the Workbook ´Social Origins and School Career´. Topics: social...