Degradation of diatom-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface seawater
Stored surface seawater originally collected in the North Sea was amended with dissolved organic matter (DOM) obtained from the diatom Skeletonema marinoi by exposing the diatom... -
Pressure-induced leakage of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from diatom-bacter...
Model diatom aggregates were produced from the diatom Skeletonema marinoi and the natural microbial community of seawater collected in Oeresund (Stief et al. 2023), Central... -
Pressure-induced leakage of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from different dia...
Four diatom strains obtained from different culture collections were grown to stationary phase in L1 medium plus silicate (Guillard & Hargraves 1993) at 15°C under a... -
Abundance of free-living microorganisms in the water surrounding sinking diat...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Degraded photopigment contents in sinking diatom aggregates incubated in rota...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Average unsaturation degree (AUD) of lipids in sinking diatom aggregates incu...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Cumulative total carbon loss through aerobic respiration and leakage of disso...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Leakage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from settled Skeletonema marinoi ce...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Leakage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and photopigments from the diatom S...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Exoenzyme activities associated with sinking diatom aggregates incubated in r...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Microbial cell abundance in sinking diatom aggregates incubated in rotating p...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Photopigment contents in sinking diatom aggregates incubated in rotating pres...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Lipid contents in sinking diatom aggregates incubated in rotating pressure an...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Cumulative carbon loss through leakage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the water surrounding sinkin...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Cumulative carbon loss through aerobic respiration from sinking diatom aggreg...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Oxygen consumption rate of sinking diatom aggregates incubated in rotating pr...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Oxygen concentrations in the water surrounding sinking diatom aggregates incu...
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Effects of increasing hydrostatic pressure on sinking diatom aggregates
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
High pressure study of charge density wave ordering in BaNi₂As₂
We will investigate the effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and charge density waves (CDWs) of superconducting BaNi2As2, a candidate system for charge-driven...