Compiling the Escobase (EScherichia COli dataBASE) was part of Lucile Martin's Internship for her MSc-1 at the University of Clermont-Auvergne, who PS supervised from May-August... -
Ectocarpus sp7 version 5 genome and annotation
Sex chromosomes are unique genomic regions displaying structural and evolutionary features that distinguish them markedly from autosomes. Although nuclear three dimensional (3D)... -
Loxodes magnus genome assemblies and annotations
De novo assemblies and genome annotations for Loxodes magnus (Ciliophora: Karyorelictea), incorporating gene predictions with ambiguous genetic codes. -
The scorpionfly (Panorpa cognata) genome highlights conserved and derived fea...
Many insects carry an ancient X chromosome—the Drosophila Muller element F—that likely predates their origin. Interestingly, the X has undergone turnover in multiple fly species... -
IBIS - Dataset 1 - Genome, transcriptomics and targeted metabolomics of Lacto...
This dataset comprises the complete and annotated genome of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii CIRM-BIA865, sequences of expressed genes throughout the kinetic of... -
Genetic variation of biological control relevant traits in natural enemies: a...
This is supplementary material for a systematic review tentatively titled, "Genetic variation of biological control relevant traits in natural enemies: a systematic review"... -
The Nesidiocoris tenuis genome manuscript supporting data
In presenting the first mirid genome, Nesidiocoris tenuis, several supporting information is made available. Following the main supplemetary material document (link), the... -
The Bracon brevicornis genome, supporting data
In presenting the Bracon brevicornis genome, supporting information is made available. The material available in this database entry are as follows: 1. Contamination scaffolds... -
The Trichogramma brassicae genome, supporting data
In presenting the Trichogramma brassicae genome, supporting information is made available. Following the main supplemetary material document, the contents in this database entry... -
Annotation of the genome assembly (version 2) of the microalga Tisochrysis lutea
We recently published the first draft genome of T. lutea obtained with the Illumina short-read technology. While this technology has a very low sequencing error rates, the... -
The scorpionfly (Panorpa cognata) genome highlights conserved and derived fea...
Many insects carry an ancient X chromosome—the Drosophila Muller element F—that likely predates their origin. Interestingly, the X has undergone turnover in multiple fly species... -
An improved reference of the PN40024 grapevine genome assembly (PN40024.v4) a...
Here, we provide an improved version of the PN40024 genome assembly, called PN40024.v4, which combines the top-quality Sanger contigs from the 12X version with Pacific... -
Genomes assemblies and annotations of some Elopomorpha and Osteglossomorpha f...
This dataset contains the whole genome assemblies and their annotations for seven Elopomorpha (eel, tarpon, bonefish, moray eel, Atlantic conger, ...) and one Osteglossomorpha... -
Macrocystis pyrifera genome and annotation
The dataset contains two files, the Macrocystis pyrifera genome and its annotation. The initial genome version was published by Lipinska et al., 2019. The version published here... -
Loxodes magnus indel polymorphisms and variant calling
Indel and variant calling in Loxodes magnus nuclear genomes for detection of putative IESs. Please see Readme for more information. -
Structure-function studies of Replication Protein A, a crucial player in geno...
Replication protein A (RPA), the eukaryotic ssDNA binding protein, is a heterotrimeric protein required for almost all aspects of cellular DNA metabolism. RPA binds... -
Draft genomes of the algae Tisochrysis lutea strains
In a context of human population increase and depletion of terrestrial resources, exploitation of microalgae is an ecofriendly alternative path for the future. Currently,...