On the hidden diversity and niche specialization of the microbial realm of su...
Subterranean estuaries (STEs) modulate the chemical composition of continental groundwater before it reaches the coast but their microbial community is poorly known. Here, we... -
Coastal eDNA sample from Liaodong Bay Genome sequencing
Using eDNA technology to detect fish diversity in the coastal area of Liaodong Bay -
Larval fish diet and zooplankton metabarcoding
Dietary DNA from the larval stages of two fishes, longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) and Pacific herring (Clupea palasii) was sequenced targeting the mitochondrial... -
The anti-phage mutant bacteria
The anti-phage mutant of Roseobacter denitrificans OCh114 -
Marine metagenomic sequences from Huntington Beach State Park
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and the detrimental impacts they generate, appear to be increasing on a global scale. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of multiple... -
Animal faeces and wastewater samples isolated from pig farms. Raw sequence reads
Explore the microbial diversity and characterize the distribution of potential pathogens in pig farms. -
Lutjanus synagris transcriptome raw data
Raw paired-end Illumina sequence data of a juvenile Lane Snapper (Lutjanus synagris) with the adapters removed. The incentive for sequencing this transcriptome is to gain... -
Studies of microbial diversity on Synechococcus co-culture system
Top-down control impacts on the interactions between photoautotrophs and heterotrophs -
Lacustrine Thaumarchaea Genome Sequencing and Assembly Project
Postglacial adaptations enabled colonization and quasi-clonal dispersal of specialized archaea in modern European large lakes -
Whole-genome sequencing of Delta Smelt
Delta Smelt from the hatchery population were sequenced. -
Metagenomic study of microbial sulfur mats from Chilika Lake, India
In this study, we used an ecosystem approach to ask whether microbially distinct mat ecosystems offer natural product discovery opportunities. -
water Raw sequence reads
Four month water sample data from Xiangshan Bay -
RADseq of Delta Smelt
RADseq of Delta Smelt used for examining the genetic basis of life history variation in the species. -
Salt marsh metatranscriptome raw sequence reads
Metatranscriptome raw reads from sediment and root tissue from Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marsh ecosystems. Samples collected in 07/2020 from Sapelo Island, GA, USA. -
Microbial diversity on Synechococcus co-culture system
Top-down control impacts on the interactions between photoautotrophs and heterotrophs -
seaweed diverge the microbial community in coastal seawaters
Although the effects of a certain seaweed on microbial community structure have been focused, the response of microbial communities to different seaweed cultivation and seasons... -
Rhopilema nomadica decomposition microbiome - sediment and water 16S V4 and 1...
In this study, we estimated the short-term decomposition effects of the invasive scyphozoan Rhopilema nomadica on the sediment-water interface in the Eastern Mediterranean coast... -
Eucyclogobius newberryi Transcriptome or Gene expression
We generated a de-novo transcriptome for Eucyclogobius newberryi using RNA-Seq and Trinity methods. -
Temporal dynamics of denitrifying bacteria communities in coastal aquaculture...
In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA, napA, and nosZ genes to investigate the diversity, structure, and assembly of bacterial communities in intensive... -
Hypomesus transpacificus Genome sequencing and assembly
Assembly of the delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) genome to inform estimates of demography, domestication, migration and epigenetic studies.