Super-high-resolution aerial imagery, digital surface model and 3D point clou...
As part of the ThawTrend-Air airborne campaign led by the Alfred Wegener Institute in 2019, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost landscapes... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcifying fluid carbonate chemistry, shell ...
Understanding mollusk calcification sensitivity to ocean acidification (OA) requires a better knowledge of calcification mechanisms. Especially in rapidly calcifying larval... -
Organic carbon measurements on rock samples collected in Cerro Cazador, Chile
This dataset includes organic carbon measurements on rock samples collected upper Cretaceous deposits found in Cerro Cazador (Magallanes Basin, Patagonia, Southern Chile) in... -
Spatial extent of Arctic river deltas
This geospatial layer (shapefile) provides the spatial extent of 211 river deltas in the Arctic and was established by digitizing Arctic deltas based on (very) high resolution... -
Characteristics of Arctic river deltas
The data set summarizes the input and output data for the study Large stocks of permafrost soil organic carbon and nitrogen in Arctic river deltas (Fuchs et al. in prep.). The... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment profile Co1011
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Radiocarbon ages of sediment profile Co1014
This dataset has no description
Radiocarbon ages of sediment profile Co1010
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Soil carbon and nitrogen data from Arctic river deltas
This data set contains the data for 1,571 soil samples from Arctic river deltas including %organic carbon, %nitrogen, bulk density, water/ice content and calculated carbon and... -
Soil cores from Arctic river deltas
This data set provides a synthesis about available soil cores collected in Arctic river deltas. The data were compiled from already archived or published studies and includes... -
Multiparameter measurement of biochemical properties of the sea surface micro...
Multiparameter measurement of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer (SML) and underlying water (ULW) at 1-meter depth during cruise HE491 onboard RV Heincke. The... -
Multiparameter measurement of biochemical properties of the sea surface micro...
SML = sea-surface microlayer, Bulk = underlying water -
Multiparameter measurement of biochemical properties of the sea surface micro...
SML = sea-surface microlayer, Bulk = underlying water -
Multiparameter measurement of biochemical properties of the sea surface micro...
SML = sea-surface microlayerBulk = underlying water -
Arctic river delta soil and geospatial data set
This data set is the first comprehensive Arctic river delta data set containing soil carbon and nitrogen information. In this study, we collected archived and new soil carbon... -
Difference of INP between heated and non-heated samples in the freezing assay...
The dataset herein shows median change in ice-nucleating particle concentration after heating for the data from Southern Great Plains (SGP). The changes in absolute... -
Difference of INP between heated and non-heated samples in the freezing assay...
The dataset herein shows median change in ice-nucleating particle concentration after heating for the data from Eastern North Atlantic (ENA). The changes in absolute... -
Thomsen anisotropy parameters of Bakken Petroleum System cores
This dataset has no description
Fig. 6: Gastric pH in response to combined treatment of seawater acidificatio...
This dataset has no description
Temporal and vertical oxygen gradients modulate nitrous oxide production in S...
This dataset has no description