Survey - Accessing, (re)using, and sharing social media data in academia
Data from online survey among authors of the social sciences using social media data for their research and having published journal articles based on social media data between... -
Political Identities and News Consumption in Election Times (PINCET)
These data come from several web surveys among the German population 18 years and older who live in Germany and were eligible to vote in the 2021 federal election. Respondents... -
Political Identities and News Consumption in Election Times (PINCET)
These data come from several web surveys among the German population 18 years and older who live in Germany and were eligible to vote in the 2021 federal election. Respondents... -
Metaanalyse zur Praxis sekundäranalytischer Forschung zu Arbeitsorganisationen
Die Metaanalyse untersucht die Anwendung der qualitativen Sekundäranalyse bei der Forschung in Arbeitsorganisationen in konkreten Forschungskontexten. Im Zentrum stehen dabei...