PISA-undersökningen 2015
Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to... -
PISA-undersökningen 2012
Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to... -
Demokrati och byråkrati i utrikes- och inrikespolitik: Medborgarundersökningen
In this study the respondent had to answer questions about interest in politics, party preference, party most disliked, actual vote in the 1979 election and voting intention at... -
Tabellarisk sammanfattning av 58 pedagogiska utredningar från Sverige och Tys...
The file contains two tables with anonymized information from SEN assessment reports. The assessments have been conducted in Sweden and Germany. Data består av två... -
PISA-undersökningen 2015
Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to... -
PISA-undersökningen 2012
Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to... -
Demokrati och byråkrati i utrikes- och inrikespolitik: Medborgarundersökningen
In this study the respondent had to answer questions about interest in politics, party preference, party most disliked, actual vote in the 1979 election and voting intention at... -
Tabellarisk sammanfattning av 58 pedagogiska utredningar från Sverige och Tys...
The file contains two tables with anonymized information from SEN assessment reports. The assessments have been conducted in Sweden and Germany. Data består av två... -
Researching the performance of Swedish 15 year old students in the digital OECD study Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test 2015. Includes the text to... -
Demokrati och byråkrati i utrikes- och inrikespolitik: Medborgarundersökningen
In this study the respondent had to answer questions about interest in politics, party preference, party most disliked, actual vote in the 1979 election and voting intention at... -
Tabellarisk sammanfattning av 58 pedagogiska utredningar från Sverige och Tys...
The file contains two tables with anonymized information from SEN assessment reports. The assessments have been conducted in Sweden and Germany. Data består av två...