Rod opsin-based colour vision in deep-sea fishes
The goal of this study was to investigate the visual system evolution of teleost fishes with a special focus on deep-sea species. -
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profile...
We mapped DNA methylation in 580 animal species (535 vertebrates, 45 invertebrates), resulting in 2443 genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles of primary tissue... -
Evolution of the immune system influences speciation rates in teleost fishes
Teleost fishes constitute the most species-rich vertebrate clade and exhibit extensive genetic and phenotypic variation, including diverse immune-defence strategies. The genomic... -
Part of the Vertebrate Genome Project, fish study. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the... -
Testing the utility of alternative metrics of branch support to assess the an...
Targeted exon capture for pelagiarian fishes -
Sequencing of Yellowfin tuna microbiota
This study aims to know the evolution of the microbiota of Yellowfin tuna steaks using the Illumina MiSeq platform to sequencing the 16S rRNA gene V1-V3 hypervariable region.... -
Endothermic and ectothermic shark and scombrid fish species Transcriptome or ...
Rna-seq data sampled across shark and scombrid fish species with the aim of finding genes under selection in relation to the evolution of endothermy. -
Improving Metabarcoding Taxonomic Assignment: A Case Study of Fishes in a Lar...
Reference Barcodes for California Current Large Marine Ecosystem Fishes generated using the MiFish 12S Universal and Elasmobranch primer sets. Both vouchered and unvouchered... -
The DNA Zoo is a consortium focused on facilitating conservation efforts through the rapid generation and release of high-quality genomics resources. -
Thunnus tuna phylogenetics
RNA-seq data of Thunnus tuna species for phylogenetics -
Thunnus albacares (yellowfin tuna), genomic and transcriptomic data
This project collects the genomic and transcriptomic data generated for Thunnus albacares, common name yellowfin tuna. The assembly is provided by the Wellcome Sanger Institute... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, ...
To investigate the potential effects of increasing CO2 on otolith calcification of 9-day old pre-flexion stage yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), an experiment was conducted at... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and metabolic rate and nitrogenous waste handlin...
Ocean acidification is predicted to have a wide range of impacts on fish, but there has been little focus on broad-ranging pelagic fish species. Early life stages of fish are... -
Genomic insights reveal a shared demographic history of differentiated Atlant...
The near threatened yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is a commercially highly valuable species that is intensely exploited in tropical oceans around the world. Its low... -
Thunnus albacares Raw sequence reads
Stock genetic boundaries at the global scale. -
Thunnus albacares Raw sequence reads
Intestinal transcriptome of Thunnus albacares -
Thunnus albacares Raw sequence reads
mucus microbiotas of Thunnus albacares and Thunnus obesus -
Study on the muscle of yellowfin tuna
Through the transcriptome sequencing study on the muscle tissue of yellowfin tuna, the difference between two different muscle tissues was explored. -
RNA-Seq of Yellowfin tuna
big and small yellowfin tuna -
Thunnus albacares gut microbiome Raw sequence reads
Gut microbiome of Thunnus albacares