Field Induced Metamagnetic transition close to Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical...
This proposal addresses the formation of a metamagnetic phase transition in PrPtAl. PrPtAl exhibits induced moment magnetism where singlet-mixing is stabilised by inter-site... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the metallic toroidal system UNi4B
There is considerable interest in understanding the magnetoelectric effect with the aim of developing technological applications. Until recently this has been limited to... -
Muon Spectroscopy and Artificial Hydrogenases (RB920382)
The reversible interconversion of protons and dihydrogen is an electrochemical process of fundamental importance to a hydrogen economy. The process requires catalysis to proceed... -
Magnetic properties of graphene
Magnetic properties of graphitic compounds are of current interest for both theoretical and experimental research in the fields of condensed matter physics and magnetism. In the...