ifo Education Survey (2018) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2018) - versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2021) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2021) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2019) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2019) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2017) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2017) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2016) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2016) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2015) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2015) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2014) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2014) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2017) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2017) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2018) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2018) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2015) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2015) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2014) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2014) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2021) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2021) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2019) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2019) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2016) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2016) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
Bürgerbewegungen in der DDR (v_fu_18a) Quellensicherung und Zugänglichmachun...
Im Rahmen einer Weiterbildungsmaßnahme unterrichtet ein Lehrer aus der ehemaligen DDR in einer West-Berliner Klasse. Zu Beginn spielt er ein Lied auf der Gitarre und singt dazu.... -
Geschichtsdidaktik: Die Nürnberger Prozesse (V_HH_0844_T3) Quellensicherung ...
Die Aufzeichnung zeigt eine Geschichtsstunde, in der Karl Jaspers' Konzepte der politischen Haftung und metaphysischen Schuld sowie die Nürnberger Prozesse behandelt werden.... -
Ausmaß und Bedeutung der neuen Jugendbewegung (v_fu_17) Quellensicherung und...
Zu Beginn benennt der Lehrer die Bedeutung der neuen Jugendbewegung als Stundenthema und legt dazu eine Folie mit einer Karikatur auf. Im Unterrichtsgespräch werden der Inhalt...