Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition and biomarker d...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition data of sedimen...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_8 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition and biomarker d...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Permafrost-Region Lake-DOC version1 Database (PeRL-DOCv1)
The pan-Arctic Permafrost-Region Lake-DOC version1 database contains surface water samples of lakes in the permafrost regions of Alaska (49.3 %), Canada (24.2 %), Greenland (3.2... -
Biogeochemical data of sediment cores of Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2022)
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment cores were taken at three locations, off the coast of... -
Chironomid record of the Sobo-Sise Yedoma cliff (eastern Lena Delta)
This dataset has no description
Intact polar lipid fatty acids carbon isotopic composition of sediment core Y...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Intact polar lipid concentrations of sediment core YC22_MR_7 off Herschel isl...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Age model of sediment core YC22_MR_7 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2022)
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_8 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_8 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_7 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_6 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_6 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition data of sedimen...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Spatial extent of Arctic river deltas
This geospatial layer (shapefile) provides the spatial extent of 211 river deltas in the Arctic and was established by digitizing Arctic deltas based on (very) high resolution... -
Soil carbon and nitrogen data from Arctic river deltas
This data set contains the data for 1,571 soil samples from Arctic river deltas including %organic carbon, %nitrogen, bulk density, water/ice content and calculated carbon and... -
Soil cores from Arctic river deltas
This data set provides a synthesis about available soil cores collected in Arctic river deltas. The data were compiled from already archived or published studies and includes... -
Characteristics of Arctic river deltas
The data set summarizes the input and output data for the study Large stocks of permafrost soil organic carbon and nitrogen in Arctic river deltas (Fuchs et al. in prep.). The... -
Carbon and nitrogen stocks for permafrost cores in the Noatak, Kobuk and Sela...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
Basic sedimentary characteristics from permafrost cores from the Noatak, Kobu...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations measured by HPLC in the surface water of...
The determination of phytoplankton using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is detailed in Hooker et al. (2005; doi:10.1364/AO.44.000553) and Ras et al. (2008;...