Expecting the unexpected: Stressed scenarios for economic growth (Replication...
We propose the construction of conditional growth densities under stressed factor scenarios to assess the level of exposure of an economy to small probability but potentially... -
Exploring magnetic fluctuations in a novel iridate pyrochlore: Bi2Ir2O7
Pyrochlore magnets are one of the cornerstones of frustrated magnetism, with two interpenetrating lattices of corner-sharing tetrahedra on which magnetic ions can be placed. By... -
One- and multi-magnon excitations in a strong-leg quantum spin ladder
We propose to measure the one- and multi-magnon excitations in the first realization of a S=1/2 quantum spin ladder in the strong-leg regime. Our material, DIMPY, has very well... -
Doping effects in a S = 1/2 spin ladder system near quantum criticality
Spin ladders are excellent model systems for studying quantum phase transitions, as they exhibit a quantum critical point between non-magnetic spin singlet dimers to Néel...