Physical oceanography measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS99.2 dive with ...
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Physical oceanography measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS99.2 measured f...
A small CTD SBE 19plus was deployed manually from a Zodiac driving in parallel to the AUV track. -
Accoustic doppler current profiler measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS99...
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Meteorological observations at Dome A region during 2018-2020, East Antarctica
This dataset was measured by the Dome A (77.4°E, 80.4°S, 4093 m, deployed in 2005) and Kunlun (77.1°E, 80.4°S, 4093 m, deployed in 2017 by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological... -
May-June 2023 California Current Pressure In Situ Gas Instrument (PIGI) Data
Continuous underway measurements of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen were collected during the 2023 Phytoplankton UPwelling response cycle (PUPCYCLE) II expedition from May 27 -... -
Lowered ADCP (LADCP) data during POLARSTERN cruise PS103
The lowered ADCP system (LADCP) consist of two RDI Workhorse Monitor ADCP 300 kHz mounted to the CTD-Rosette frame.Near the sea surface, shipboard ADCP (SADCP) data were used to... -
Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Stationary profiling of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a bedfor...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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Flow and suspended sediment concentration fields over tidal bedforms, ADCP pr...
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