Communication in Cournot competition: An experimental study [Dataset]
This study investigates the impact of communication on outcomes in Cournot duopoly and triopoly experiments. Communication is implemented by two different devices, a... -
Rage Against the Machines: How Subjects Learn to Play Against Computers [Data...
We use a large-scale internet experiment to explore how subjects learn to play against computers that are programmed to follow one of a number of standard learning algorithms.... -
Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but ...
A well-known result by Vega-Redondo (1997) [18] implies that in symmetric Cournot oligopolies, imitation leads to the Walrasian outcome. We show that this result is not robust... -
Does Information about Competitors' Actions Increase or Decrease Competition ...
This paper investigates the impact the publication of firm-specific data has on the competitiveness of experimental oligopoly markets. We compare two treatments: in one, firms... -
Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence [Dataset]
We introduce a generalized theoretical approach to study imitation and subject it to rigorous experimental testing. In our theoretical analysis we find that the different... -
Two are Few and Four are Many: Number Effects in Experimental Oligopoly [Data...
In this paper we investigate how the competitiveness of Cournot markets varies with the number of firms in an industry. We review previous Cournot experiments in the literature.... -
Stability of the Cournot Process - Experimental Evidence [Dataset]
We report results of experiments designed to test the predictions of the best-reply process. In a Cournot oligopoly with four firms, the best-reply process should theoretically... -
SANS studies of the micellar structure of C12-L-Carnitine and C14-L-Carnitine...
Acyl L-Carnitines are a group of novel surfactants with attractive physical and biological properties associated with their head group charge features. This work proposes to use... -
SANS studies on the structures of non-ionic surfactant micelles with/without ...
SANS is about the only technique that can determine the size and shape of surfactant micelles and the subsequent changes upon pesticide solubilisation. The aim of this work is... -
SANS studies of the micellar structures of mixtures of lauroyl-L-carnitine an...
As a new group of synthetic biosurfactants, the acyl-L-carnitines offer potential for different applications including working as edible biocides. Whilst extensive studies have... -
Multiscale time-resolving study of crystallisation in poly(e-caprolactone) ba...
We will exploit the unique capability of Nimrod in the study of the long standing issue of polymer crystallisation. We focus on polycaprolactone containing small quantities of...