Kindertransporten 'Joodse kinderen in kamp Vught' - Interviews (2003) en docu...
Op 6 en 7 juni 1943 vertrokken twee treinen met Joodse kinderen uit kamp Vught. Alle kinderen onder de 16 moesten weg, hun moeders mochten mee. Er werd gezegd dat ze naar een... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 12
Geïnterviewde 12 vertelt over de samenleving waar ze uit komt: haar leven als kind, de scholen die ze bezocht en de disciplinering die daar heerste. Ze vertelt over haar... -
Language skills of qualified persons in education (SprachKoPF)
The project SprachKoPF aims at exploring competencies for the advancement of language skills among pedagogically qualified employees. The central methodological task is to... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 2nd Wave 1987
Development forms and influence factors of development of mental achievements in childhood and adolescence (particularly at transfer from lower grade, junior high and high... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 5th Wave 1990
Influence of leisure time and school interests of schoolchildren on development of mental capabilities. Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; view of future; extent of... -
Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in...
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social conduct of young people depending on social factors and conditions. Topics: Frequency of reading regional and... -
Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in...
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social habits of young people depending on social factors and conditions. Topics: Frequency of reading regional and... -
Summative assessment of qualification program for parents "Familie schafft Ch...
The project aims at assessing the efficacy of the parents program ‘familY: Eltern bilden; Kinder stärken’, the ‘buddy E.V.’ takes responsibility for. It starts before entry to... -
Parents/Children/Cultural Education. Horizon 2017
This study complements a survey of schoolchildren conducted in 2015 on behalf of the Council for Cultural Education, in which the central role of parents in the development and... -
World Vision Children Study 2013
Life situation, wishes, needs and interests of children. Feelings of justice and fears. I. Children´s questionnaire: Topics: 1. Colloquial language at home; evaluation of the... -
Umwelt, Wohlbefinden und Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen (UWE) Befra...
Das gelingende Aufwachsen von Kindern hängt von ihren dauerhaften formellen und informellen Lernumgebungen ab, die lokal sehr ungleich ausgestaltet sein können. Wer Kinder... -
Effects of Public Social Services on the Socialization Process
Development and child-raising in pre-school age. General questions on family socialization as well as the economic and social situation of the respondent. Topics: 1. On family... -
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Children Longitudin...
The primary topics of the study: culture of children, bio-psycho-social development and course of life, family, school, church and religion as development and socialization... -
Early Careers and Starting a Family: Life Courses of the 1971 Birth Cohorts i...
The study is the most recent subproject of the German Life History Study. It follows directly on from the two previous life history surveys. In a repeat survey, the 1971-born... -
Bezirkskabinett der Sprachheilschulen Quellensicherung und Zugänglichmachung...
An der Ost-Berliner Humboldt-Universität, an der Akademie der Pädagogischen Wissenschaften der DDR (APW) sowie an den Pädagogischen Hochschulen Potsdam und Dresden wurden seit... -
Sport- und Spielübungen mit Vorschulkindern Quellensicherung und Zugänglichm...
In der DDR wurden seit Beginn der 1970er Jahre zu Lehrerausbildungs- und Forschungszwecken Unterrichtsstunden auf 1-Zoll-Videobändern aufgezeichnet. Über zweihundert dieser...