Chlorophyll a concentrations from leads, melt ponds and under ice sampling du...
Concentrations of Chlorophyll a from special sampling events during the MOSAiC (PS122) drift expedition in the central Arctic Ocean. 0.3-4L of water were filtered onto... -
Seasonal, spatial, and temporal variation of Biogenic silica (bSi) and Lithog...
Biogenic silica (bSi) and Lithogenic silica (LSi) concentrations from First Year (FYI) and Second Year (SYI) ice cores and water samples were collected with Ice Corer Kovacs... -
Pelagic protist (including phytoplankton) abundance and biodiversity data col...
The data has been collected during the the year-long drift expedition "Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate" (MOSAiC) from September 2019 to... -
Algal pigment concentrations in meltponds and leads during the Arctic MOSAiC-...
Algal pigment concentrations were retrieved from meltponds and leads, during Leg 4 and 5 of the MOSAiC expedition (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic... -
Composition of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Central Arctic surfac...
The data set comprised the dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), DOC/TDN and the specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA254) for MOSAiC expedition, and... -
(A-2.2) Tritium measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa
Water for tritium analysis was collected in 500 ml plastic bottles. Contact of the sampled water with air or light was avoided. Samples were taken from precipitation, lakes,... -
(A-2.1) Stable isotopes measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa
All isotopes were analysed by W. Stichler from the Institute of Groundwater Ecology at the GSF in Neuherberg, Stable isotopes were sampled with 20 ml plastic bottles. Water... -
(A-1.7) Heavy metal concentration measured on water samples from Benin, West ...
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(A-1.6) Heavy metal concentration measured on water samples from Benin, West ...
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(A-1.5) Hydrochemistry measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa, at ...
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(A-1.4) Hydrochemistry measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa, at ...
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(A-1.3) Hydrochemistry measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa, at ...
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(A-1.2) Hydrochemistry measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa, at ...
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(A-1.1) Hydrochemistry measured on water samples from Benin, West Africa, at ...
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