Spin relaxation of short-lived spin-labelled radicals in solution
The spin relaxation rates of free radicals in solution can provide valuable information about the dynamics of molecular tumbling in solution, and solvent-radical interactions.... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
End-Game: Cornering Solvent Effects on H-Addition in Green Tea Anti-Oxidants
Our ongoing project to characterise radical scavenging by the green tea anti-oxidant EGCG and its D-ring analogue, (3,4,5-(OH)3-Bz) is near-complete. ALC-MuSR experiments on the... -
Towards a Method of Quantifying Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity
Understanding of chemical reactivity is founded on the fundamental concepts of Electrophilicity and Neucleophilicity. All extant attempts to do this depend on the reaction of... -
RF MuSR in the gas phase: the Search for a Radical State
The main spectroscopic technique for studying radicals in solids and liquids, ESR, cannot usually be used to study radicals of more than 3-5 atoms in the gas phase due to strong... -
RF-muSR in the gas phase: the muoniated ethyl radical
Radio-frequency muon spin resonance is an exceptional technique for studying free radicals, but it has not been applied to study radicals in the gas phase. In a previous...