Magnetic ordering in the new Multiferroic compounds Sm1-xYxMnO3
In order to understand the emergence of multiferroic behaviour in the RMnO3 type compounds, it is neccessary to understand the relationship between structural parameters such as... -
Crystallographic and Magnetic structures of PrMn7O12
The study of novel manganites, where the tailoring of the Mn formal valence state on the B site is done by the ordering of different cations on the A site of the ABO3 (B:Mn)... -
Investigation of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons through temperature-fi...
YbAl3C3 exhibits a spin gap formation due to spin dimer ground state below 10 K. In zero-field the ground state is paramagnetic and no sign of long range magnetic ordering down... -
Structure verification of a novel transition metal oxide : the spin-orbit Mot...
Sr3Ir2O7 has been claimed to realize a novel ground state (the spin-orbit Mott-insulator), first theoretically suggested to be relevant from theories addressing the tuning on of... -
Powder diffraction determination of the magnetic structure of Ba2LiOsO6
We aim to investigate the antiferromagnetic ground state of Ba2LiOsO6 using neutron powder diffraction, determining both the magnetic ordering propagation vector, and the... -
Verification of the charge ordered superstructure in YBaMn2O6
A definite understanding of the charge ordering phenomenon in the manganites has still not been reached, even for the case of prototype R1/2Ca1/2MnO3 manganites. In such...