British Social Attitudes Survey, 2022
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2003/3
Temeljni cilj raziskave je, na eni strani, proučevanje soodvisnosti med spremenjenimi mednarodnimi varnostnimi okoliščinami in socialno-ekonomskimi, političnimi, varnostnimi in... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2005/2:
Raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem na problematiko nacionalne in... -
Slovene public opinion 2007
Temeljni cilj raziskave je, na eni strani, proučevanje soodvisnosti med spremenjenimi mednarodnimi varnostnimi okoliščinami in socialno-ekonomskimi, političnimi, varnostnimi in... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2009/2
Raziskava SJM092 - Raziskava o nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti vsebuje tudi sklop vprašanj, ki so del Mednarodne raziskave volilnih sistemov (CSES 2009) in se nanašajo na... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2012/1
Raziskava SJM121 je sestavljena iz treh sklopov: iz Raziskave o nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti, Mednarodne raziskave o družini in spreminjanju spolnih vlog (ISSP 2012) in... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2015
Slovensko javno mnenje 2015 zajema 4 tematske bloke, ki pokrivajo nacionalne in mednarodne raziskave: Stališča o delu ISSP 2015, mednarodna raziskava Stališča o vlogi države... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/5
Empirična raziskava o nacionalni varnosti (na vzorcu 1050 polnoletnih državljanov Slovenije) je zajela naslednje vsebine: mir in varnost v svetu (problem virov ogrožanja... -
British Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to... -
Transnational Organised Crime at Sea, 2019-2022
Transnational organised crime at sea has emerged as a significant area of international concern, whether that be piracy and armed robbery against ships, the use of the sea for... -
Holistic Security in a Fragmented Governance Structure, 1998-2003
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This study contains two datasets which provide a complete overview of all European Union (EU) Justice... -
Welsh Election Study, 2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Welsh Election Study, 2011 examined Wales' fourth devolved election. The study interviewed a... -
Welsh Referendum Study, 2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Welsh Referendum Study, 2011 examined the March 2011 referendum on greater devolution for Wales. Over... -
Public Opinion and the Syrian Crisis in Three Democracies: Surveys of French,...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The research projected was a series of two surveys in the US, UK, and France (an extra post 2014... -
Strategic scripts for the Twenty-First Century
Strategic Scripts for the Twenty-First Century involves three linked strands, each geared to developing the idea of 'strategic scripts' as a means of addressing a broad range of... -
The current and future use of social media technologies by military personnel...
Social media has become central to military life, making it a critical component of future policy development, strategic thinking and welfare planning. Platforms such as... -
Obama administration foreign and security speeches: 2009 to 2013
This data collection consisted of 6025 speeches and documents taken from the Obama administrations official websites from 2009 to 2013 covering all aspects of foreign and... -
Constraints on the design of security policy: Survey data 2016-2017
This is a cross-sectional dataset with 608 observations. Variables are organised thematically by respondent attitudes to international security threats, the importance of... -
Constraints on the design of security policy: Companion quantitative survey 2017
A companion survey was conducted in April of 2017 (prior to the announcement of the 2017 General Election). The overall objective of the survey is to offer insights about the...