Spatial extent of Arctic river deltas
This geospatial layer (shapefile) provides the spatial extent of 211 river deltas in the Arctic and was established by digitizing Arctic deltas based on (very) high resolution... -
Soil carbon and nitrogen data from Arctic river deltas
This data set contains the data for 1,571 soil samples from Arctic river deltas including %organic carbon, %nitrogen, bulk density, water/ice content and calculated carbon and... -
Soil cores from Arctic river deltas
This data set provides a synthesis about available soil cores collected in Arctic river deltas. The data were compiled from already archived or published studies and includes... -
Characteristics of Arctic river deltas
The data set summarizes the input and output data for the study Large stocks of permafrost soil organic carbon and nitrogen in Arctic river deltas (Fuchs et al. in prep.). The... -
Carbon and nitrogen stocks for permafrost cores in the Noatak, Kobuk and Sela...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
Basic sedimentary characteristics from permafrost cores from the Noatak, Kobu...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
n-Fatty acid composition per total organic carbon in a rapidly eroding permaf...
Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth’s largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic... -
n-Fatty acid composition per sediment mass in a rapidly eroding permafrost cliff
Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth’s largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic... -
Organic matter biogeochemistry using lipid biomarker analysis of a rapidly er...
Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth’s largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic... -
n-Alkane composition of organic matter in a rapidly eroding permafrost cliff
Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth’s largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic... -
High-resolution bathymetry model for the Kolyma Gulf region
This data set includes the 50 m and 200 m bathymetry model for the Kolyma Gulf region covering an area of 12,100 km2 extending from the apex of the Kolyma Delta (5 km downstream... -
High-resolution bathymetry model for the Lena Delta region
This data set includes the 50 m and 200 m bathymetry model for the Lena Delta region covering 232,700 km2 stretching from Cape Mamontov Klyk in the western Laptev Sea to Kotelny... -
Carbon characteristics of five cores from a terrestrial permafrost area in no...
TC and TN were measured at AWI Potsdam CARLA Laboratory using a vario EL III Element Analyzer. TOC was measured at the same laboratory using a varioMAX C Element Analyzer.δ13C... -
Radiocarbon dating of five cores from a terrestrial permafrost area in northe...
Radiocarbon dating was carried out using the Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS) at AWI Bremerhaven. -
Sediment characteristics of five cores from a terrestrial permafrost area in ...
Mass specific magnetic susceptibility was measured using a Bartington MS-2 Magnetic Susceptibility System.Grain size composition was determined using a Malvern Mastersizer 3000... -
Water-ice characteristics of five cores from a terrestrial permafrost area in...
Water/ice content was derived from weight differences before and after freeze-drying the samples. Water isotope ratios (δ18O, δ2H, d excess), pH, conductivity and DOC were... -
CTD measurements in the Lena Delta region
This data set includes measurement during the CACOON 2019 expeditions (Fuchs et al., 2021; Strauss et al., 2021) in the Lena Delta region in Siberia.The data collection took... -
CTD cast locations in the Lena Delta region
This data set includes the CTD cast locations, which were measured during the CACOON 2019 expeditions (Fuchs et al., 2021; Strauss et al., 2021) in the Lena Delta region in... -
Erosion rates of the Sobo-Sise yedoma permafrost cliff in the Lena River Delt...
Permafrost thaw and ice wedge degradation lead to drastic landscape changes in the permafrost region. With this data set we investigated the cliff retreat of the Sobo-Sise Cliff... -
Erosion rates along Sobo-Sise Cliff 1965-2018
Permafrost thaw and ice wedge degradation lead to drastic landscape changes in the permafrost region. With this data set we investigated the cliff retreat of the Sobo-Sise Cliff...