Temperatur, nederbörd, kväve- och fiberinnehåll hos björk och mjölkört, och k...
Data and R code used in piecewise structural equation modelling for a study that compared the direct and indirect impacts of temperature and precipitation on moose calf mass in... -
Naturligt radioaktiva ämnen och cesium i abborre (Perca fluviatilis)
Activity concentration of natural radioactivity (238U, 234U, 226Ra, 210Po) and 137Cs in organs and tissue of wild European perch from lake Fiolen and lake Fysingen. The activity... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Månadsvisa oce...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Batymetriska d...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Utbredning av ...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species...