315 datasets found

Keywords: planetary nebulae

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  • EFOSC photometry of M3-2

    Bipolar planetary nebulae (PNe) are thought to result from binary star interactions and, indeed, tens of binary central stars of PNe have been found, in particular using...
  • Spectra of 78 PN central stars

    There are more than 3000 known Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe), but only 492 central stars of Galactic planetary nebulae (CSPN) have known spectral types. It is vital to...
  • 4 oxygen-rich evolved stars NH3 spectra

    The circumstellar ammonia (NH_3_) chemistry in evolved stars is poorly understood. Previous observations and modelling showed that NH_3_ abundance in oxygen-rich stars is...
  • NGC 1514 and LoTr 5 radial velocity curves

    The importance of long-period binaries on the formation and evolution of planetary nebulae is still rather poorly understood, in part due to the lack of central star systems...
  • M 2-9 ^12^CO and ^13^CO channel maps

    M 2-9 is a young planetary nebula (PN) that shows the characteristics of its last ejections in unprecedented detail. These last ejections are thought to trigger the...
  • Post-AGB and CSPNe evolutionary models

    The post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase is arguably one of the least understood phases of the evolution of low- and intermediate- mass stars. The two grids of models...
  • Hen 2-155 and Hen 2-161 photometry and spectroscopy

    We present a study of Hen 2-155 and Hen 2-161, two planetary nebulae which bear striking morphological similarities to other planetary nebulae known to host close-binary central...
  • Water maser emission toward post-AGB and PN

    Water maser emission at 22GHz is a useful probe for studying the transition between the nearly spherical mass loss in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) to a collimated one in...
  • Chemical abundances in Galactic PNe

    We present new low-resolution (R~800) optical spectra of 22 Galactic PNe with Spitzer spectra. These data are combined with recent optical spectroscopic data available in the...
  • BVJH photometry of Andrews-Lindsay 1 field

    Andrews-Lindsay 1 is a pertinent open cluster because it may host the planetary nebula (PN) PHR 1315-6555, yet ambiguities linger concerning its fundamental parameters (>50%...
  • BD+33 2642 and HD 112313 radial velocities

    We study the impact of binary interaction processes on the evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars using long-term monitoring of their radial velocity. Here we report on...
  • Optical spectra of new low-excitation PNs

    We present mid-resolution spectroscopic observations of four new planetary nebula (PN) candidates selected from the INT/WFC Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic...
  • i light curve ans spectra of Hen2-11 central star

    We present a detailed photometric study of the central star system of the planetary nebula Hen 2-11, selected for study because of its low-ionisation filaments and bipolar...
  • Binary central stars of SMC PNe

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), originally designed to search for microlensing events, provides a rich and uniform data set suitable for studying the...
  • Spectra of stars and planetary nebulae

    Fundamental parameters characterizing the end-state of intermediate-mass stars may be constrained by discovering planetary nebulae (PNe) in open clusters (OCs). Cluster...
  • CO observations of post-AGB stars

    There is a group of binary post-AGB stars that show conspicuous near infrared (NIR) excess, which is usually assumed to arise from hot dust in very compact possibly rotating...
  • Far-UV spectra of PN central stars

    The occurrence of stellar wind in the central star of a planetary nebula (CSPN) can be revealed by the presence of P Cygni profiles of high-excitation lines overimposed on its...
  • Abundances of PNe in NGC 300

    We have obtained deep spectroscopy of 26 planetary nebulae (PNe) and 9 compact HII regions in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 300, and analyzed them together with the giant HII...
  • Line intensities of NGC 6803

    We present the high-dispersion spectra of the elliptical ring shaped planetary nebula NGC 6803, secured with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph attached to the 3-m Shane...
  • M31 CO(2-1) spectra

    With IRAM-30m/HERA, we have detected CO(2-1) gas complexes within 30arcsec (100pc) from the center of M31 that amount to a minimum total mass of 4.2x10^4^M_{sun}_ (one third of...
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