The occurrence of stellar wind in the central star of a planetary nebula (CSPN) can be revealed by the presence of P Cygni profiles of high-excitation lines overimposed on its stellar continuum. We have examined the entire Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer FUSE archive and merged all useful spectroscopic observations of CSPNe to produce the highest quality spectra that can be used to assess the occurrence of stellar winds. Furthermore, the individual spectra of each CSPN have been compared to search for variability in the P Cygni profile. P Cygni profiles of high-excitation lines have been found in 44 CSPNe, with a clear correlation between the ionization potential of the lines and the effective temperature of the star.
Cone search capability for table J/A+A/553/A126/stars (Sample of CSPNe with P Cygni profile with FUSE observations (from table1 of the paper))