1,380,661 datasets found

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  • Haug Søndre

    Fornminne: Kullgrop. Kvadratisk, avrundede hjørner, lave voller, fylt med kongler, tørrkvist og barnåler. Bevokst med gauksyre og småbregne. Litt kull. Ytre diameter 6,50 m,...
  • 120407-20 Rold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1985-09-04: Lav,...
  • Uten navn

    Fornminne: Kullgrop. Oval grop, antydning til voller, tydelig i terrenget. Firkantet i bunnen med kull. Ytre diameter 10,70 m, indre diameter 7,20 m, dybde 0,20 m.
  • 120407-8 Rold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1887 : [Sb....
  • Falkhætta

    For lang tid siden fant bonden Kristen Nilsen ved brøndgravning, et helt menneskelig skelett. Stedet er nær fjøset på bruket Falkhætta.
  • 120407-7 Rold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1887 :...
  • Kobb-sletta

    Nausttuft, lengde 7 m, bredde 4,5 m, dybde 0,3 m. Vollens bredde ca. 1 m. Dårlig markert, utydelig i terrenget. Orientert NS-ØV. Gress og lyngbevokst.
  • 120407-6 Sveriggårds Mark

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1979-09 : Mål:...
  • Halvardsøy

    Beskrivelse fra lokalitet: Fornminne, gårdsgrunn. I potetland lå mengder av fiskebein, samt krittpiper og leirkarskår. Gårdsgrunnen har ingen høydemarkering og kulturlagets...
  • 120407-5 Truehøjgård

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1943-11 : Flad...
  • Vestre Staumsnes

    Steinsetning. Uregelmessig ca. 3 x 2 m.
  • 120407-4 Rold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1887 :...
  • Martinjorda

    JSM nr. 9: Her lå tidligere det gamle fellestunet. Nå står bare et par gårder igjen her. Stedet markeres av en lav forhøyning med kulturjord. Her er funnet Ts. 3686 - 88:...
  • 120407-3 Sveriggård

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1991-03 :...
  • Zoar I

    Åpen boplass. Flekkvis uten vegetasjon. I disse flekkene ligger avslag (redskap ?) av kvarts. Dette er A. Nummedals boplass Zoar I, se Stone Age Finds in Finnmark (1929) s. 93...
  • 120407-2 Hofmanshøj

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1981-09-04: Mål:...
  • Sandfjorden

    Fornminne 1: Tuft. Her er en tuft, formodentlig fra middelalder, rektangulær, dyp inni, men med utydelige, dårlig markerte veggvoller. 5 x 5 m. Bare 1-2 m o.h..
  • 120407-1 Rold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1887 :...
  • Flatholmen

    Fornminne 1: Gravplass. Her skal iflg. Odd Andreassen, Mehamn, ha vært en gravplass av uviss alder (Pomorgraver? Samisk jernalder?). Her skal være funnet skjeletter, men intet...
  • 120406-124 Kielstrup

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1964 :...
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