The German Electricity System in 2030: Data on Consumption, Generation, and t...
This publication includes data for the German electricity system in 2030 and a corresponding documentation of the methodology of data acquisition and preprocessing. The data set... -
Supplemental Material to the SWJ Journal Submission "Characteristic Sets Prof...
Readme This archive contains the experimental results for the SWJ Paper. Large Files and subdirectories are zipped. Raw data includes tab-separated files (.tsv) and JSON... -
Software and example data for error grid analysis
Supplement of the article Grothe O, Kaplan A, Kouz K, Saugel B. "Computer program for error grid analysis in arterial blood pressure method comparison studies" to provide the... -
Simulation Results for the Evaluation of Strategies for an Adaptive Grid Cont...
%%%%% How to interpret the simulation results %%%%%: %%% Main folder naming %%%: "village-future": The simulation scenario (grid and building configuration) "hhOpt": Buildings... -
Simulation Results for the Evaluation of Strategies for an Adaptive Grid Cont...
%%%%% How to interpret the simulation results %%%%%: %%% Main folder naming %%%: "village-future": The simulation scenario (grid and building configuration) "hhOpt": Buildings... -
Results for the Different Parameter Tests of the Developed RL Agents and the ...
Different data bases with the simulation results. For the single supply chain location there exist the following data bases: State1.db contains the results for the original data... -
Results SLR Business Process Model Generation
This data provides an overview of the SLR results, their quality ratings and category classifications. -
Result Data of the Publication "State or Market: Investments in New Nuclear P...
These data include the main results from the publication “State or Market: Investments in New Nuclear Power Plants in France and Their Domestic and Cross-border Effects”,... -
Renewable feed-in management data Germany 2015-2018
The data sets comprise EinsMan (renewable feed-in management) data of the distribution system operators EDIS, Schleswig Holstein Netze, Bayernwerke and Avacon. These... -
Redispatch data Germany 2015-2017
Redispatch is used very frequently to cure congestion in the German grid. It describes the action of shutting down generation in front of a transmission grid congestion and... -
RapidMiner EDM-process box
The folder includes a set of RapidMiner processes that allow the reconstruction of the analysis presented in the dissertation. -
Parameters and KPIs from the Real Data Use Case
Column names indicate parameter and resulting KPI values, row indizees indicate unique part number location combination -
Modeling and Communicating Flexibility in Smart Grids Using Artificial Neural...
This archive provides supplementary materials for the doctoral thesis Modeling and Communicating Flexibility in Smart Grids Using Artificial Neural Networks as Surrogate Models.... -
ExpBot - A dataset of 79 dialogs with an experimental customer service chatbot
This dataset consists of 79 dialogs between a human user and a chatbot in English language. This data was collected during an online experiment conducted by the research group... -
Estimation of Marginal CO2 Emission Factors in Germany 2017
This data set covers total load, hourly generation and electric efficiency of power plants >100MW in Germany 2017. Based on this data, the four jupyter-notebooks derive... -
Dataset ASU_EU_Paper, Additional_Data_Collection_Effective_Use
Abbreviations for columns can be linked to the information in the dissertation document. -
Data Dissertation Morschheuser Study I and Study III
Data of study I and study III of the dissertation "The Gamification of Crowdsourcing Systems: Empirical Investigations and Design" by Benedikt Morschheuser 2017: DOI:... -
Congestion data of 50 Hertz 2015-2017
The data sets comprise hourly congestion data of the transmission system operator 50 Hertz from 2015 to 2017. 50 Hertz GmbH and TenneT GmbH are the TSOs in Germany, which suffer... -
Congestion data TSO 50 Hertz Germany 2015-2017 (binary)
The data sets comprise hourly congestion data of the transmission system operator 50 Hertz from 2015 to 2017. 50 Hertz GmbH and TenneT GmbH are the TSOs in Germany, which suffer... -
Characteristic Sets of RDF Graph Samples
The dataset consist of the characteristic sets extracted from the samples taken from DBLP, DBpedia, LinkedMDB, YAGO. Furthermore, the files include metadata of the...