sponge metagenome Genome sequencing and assembly
Metagenomic sequencing, assembly and analysis to discover biosynthetic gene clusters responsible for producing bacterial secondary metabolites from sponge symbiont bacteria. For... -
Antarctic marine sponge-associated microbial communities. Metagenomic raw seq...
Sequencing by Illumina of sponge microbiome associated with Antarctic marine sponges using a metagenomic approach. -
Uncultured bacterium genome sequencing
Prokaryotic communities compose a fundamental portion of the marine sponge holobiont. Inspite of their putative relevance in host functioning, in-depth knowledge of the... -
freshwater lake samples Raw sequence reads
Early freshwater and sponges samples from lake Baikal. -
Coral Reef Biotopes Metagenome
In the present study, microbial communities of sponges, Sediments and Seawater inhabiting coral reef ecosystems were investigated using barcoded pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene... -
Sponge Metagenomics
Metagenomics of 5 sponges isolated near Japan sea -
Aplysina spp., and Ircinia spp. Microbial Diversity Characterization
Assessment of the microbial community associated with marine sponges from two locations at several depths. -
Red Sea marine sponges and seawater Targeted Locus (Loci)
The genes and transcripts of 16S rRNA were amplified from seawater, S. carteri, and X. testudinaria DNA (originating the following datasets: WTD1-WTD3, ASD1-ASD3, and AXD1-AXD3... -
Bac_Sponge Targeted Locus (Loci)
Comparison of the microbial community in the abnormal and healthy sponge tissues from the Red Sea. -
Petrosia ficifomrmis microbiome
This study investigated the effects of the facultative symbiosis between P. ficiformis and the cyanobacteria Candidatus Synechococcus feldmannii on the microbiome -
Sponge Symbionts Targeted Locus (Loci)
Reveal the difference of different development -
Guam Dysideidae Sponge Holobiont Sequencing project
Guam Dysideidae Sponge Holobiont Sequencing project -
Sponge associated Microflora Transcriptome or Gene expression
The project was aimed at metatranscriptome analysis of sponge, Amphimedon sp, to understand the functional role symbiotic microorganisms. -
Conservation of genomic information in multiple displacement amplified low-qu...
Marine invertebrates and their microbiomes have been a rich source of bioactive compounds and interesting genomic features. However, factors such as which species and tissue are... -
Terpios hoshinota and microbiome
microbiome in Terpios hoshinota -
SpongePOP: water sediment and sponge metagenome Raw sequence reads
In the framework of the SpongePOP project, sediment and water samples were collected during two sampling campaigns, namely SpongePop 1.0 (SP1 17 May-1 June 2014) and SpongePop... -
Xestospongia muta Targeted loci environmental
The giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a high microbial abundance sponge on Caribbean coral reefs, living along shallow to mesophotic depth gradients where multiple... -
Larval ecology and dispersion of coral-destroying sponges Thoosa mismalolli
Complex host species-specific assemblage with remarkable shifts in microbiome structure throughout the life history of the excavating sponge Thoosa mismalolli -
Eunapius subterraneus metagenome Raw sequence reads
Metagenome sequencing of sponges in mesophotic coral reef ecosystems without biological replicates. The exact sampling location is 13 32 8.83 N, 120 59 30.77 E . -
Optimised DNA isolation from marine sponges for natural sampler DNA (nsDNA) m...
Marine sponges have recently been recognised as natural samplers of environmental DNA (eDNA) due to their effective water filtration and their ubiquitous, sessile and...