Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Muon spin-relaxation probe of chiral spin-liquid state in YBaCo4O7
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets RBa(Co/Fe)4O7 (R=rare earth or Y) exhibit a weak ferromagnetic component in the high-temperature spin-liquid phase. Based on a symmetry... -
Testing the Stokes-Einstein relation in a plastic crystal
We propose to examine the microscopic dynamic properties of a class of solid ion conductors known as ?plastic crystals?. The name ?plastic? reflect the ability of these... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Electron spin relaxation measurements in polymeric systems
This proposal looks to study the electron spin relaxation using high field ALC measurements in two polymers, which differ only by the non-metal (i.e S or Se) in the polymer... -
Cyclic Processes in Mid-Range SiGe Alloys
We propose longitudinal muon spin depolarization measurements to extract the energy for the T-site Mu acceptor level in mid-range SiGe alloys where a direct determination of the... -
Search for magnetic domains in frustrated magnet CaFe2O4
We propose to study the temperature dependence of the size and shape of the magnetic domains believed to exist in CaFe2O4 - a frustrated triangular antiferromagnet. Our diffuse... -
Carrier density in novel Li ionic conductors studied with muons
When we know an intrinsic diffusion coefficient of Li-ion (D) in an ionic conductor, we could estimate a number of mobile Li ions, i.e. carrier density (n), from ionic... -
Studies of magnetic polaron formation in EuS via RF-µSR
Experiment is proposed to identify magnetic polaron bound to the muon using RF-muSR. In recent experiment at TRIUMF magnetic polaron was found in transverse field and its... -
Isovalent cation substitution and the AF-SC boundary of oxypnictides
We have prepared a new family of electron-doped oxypnictides \RFeF\ with the same average Rare Earth radius as that yielding the highest superconducting Tc to date, i.e. the... -
Magnetic Excitations of Isolated and Pairs of Co Ions and in MgO
The magnetic excitations will be studied in a powdered sample of 3% CoO in 97% MgO in order to to study the excitations of isolated Co ions and of isolated pairs of Co ions.... -
Quantum corrections for water in carbon nanohorns
The microscopic structure of of water [and ice] in carbon nanohorns by neutron diffraction on GEM has shown that water has a density that is ~20% lower than the normal liquid... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Na+ diffusion and magnetic behaviour of P2 and O3-type Na2/3Fe2/3Mn1/3O2 laye...
NaxMO2 layered oxides are being investigated as potential cathodes for Na-ion batteries. These systems present a variety of structures that are classified in terms of the Na... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Muon studies of Li+ diffusion in high capacity electrodes and high voltage so...
Declining fuel reserves and increasing global energy demands mean developments in energy storage materials are vital. Here, we propose the study of vanadate electrode materials... -
Investigation of the magnetic hidden order in Sr2Ir(1-x)RhxO4 iridate with mu...
In the 5d layered perovskite material, Sr2IrO4, spin orbit coupling and strong electron correlations combine to give rise to a spin-orbit coupled Mott insulator, with a... -
MuSR study of Na battery electrodes
The overall aims of our project is to advance the performance of NIBs in terms of energy and power density by creating a closed-loop approach for materials design,... -
Equation of state and phase transitions of the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2 - c...
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic negative thermal expansion (NTE) effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known... -
Magnetic properties of photomagnetic molecular square complexes
This experiment aims at studying the magnetic behaviour of the molecular square complex {[Fe{B(pz)_4}(CN)_3]_2[Co(bik)_2]_2}(ClO_4)_2 . 3H_2O [B(pz)_4 = tetrapyrazolylborate,...