The electronic structure and magnetic properties of metal nanoparticles stabi...
In recent years, nanoparticles have been a major source of interest in a wide range of fields. Our long term objectives are tuning the free radical reactivity on the surface of... -
Decoupling internal fields in a magnetically ordered sample
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Identification and dynamics of muon states in octabutoxy-phthalocyanine
The current experiment proposes to identify and study the spin dynamics of the muon states formed in octabutoxy-phthalocyanine (oBu-H2Pc) using the avoided level crossing... -
RF μSR in the gas phase: understanding a ¿null¿ result
We have made a significant effort to develop Radio Frequency μSR (RF μSR) as a technique for spectroscopy of organic radicals in the gas phase. Realising this method... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
MuSR study to investigation a small moment magnetic ordering in Ce(Os1-xFex)2...
Our recent musr studies on CeT 2Al10 (T=Os and Ru) reveal a clear sign of long range magnetic ordering below 28 K in both the compounds. More interestingly the frequency... -
MUSR investigations of the spin-liquid ground sate in the new kagome lattice ...
Unveiling quantum effects in materials at low temperatures, such as quantum spin-liquid behavior, have been a central task in condensed matter physics. A two-dimensional kagome... -
muSR in the presence of significant spin-orbit coupling
The great majority of known muonium defect centres and muonium substituted organic radicals have essentially spin-only magnetism, with few exhibiting any noticeable departure... -
Copy of: Towards a Method of Quantifying Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity
Our understanding of chemical reactivity is founded on the fundamental concepts of Electrophilicity and Neucleophilicity. There are a number of attempts of limited applicability... -
Novel skyrmionic spin textures in non-chiral magnets
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected objects that exist in the spin texture of certain magnetic materials. We have shown that muon spin relaxation is a powerful... -
Molecular Dynamics in Polystyrene
A basic understanding of the dynamic processes in polystyrene (PS) is a question of utmost interest and has technological ramifications due to its importance in commercial... -
Probing the local magnetism of R2TSi3-type (R = rare earth ; T = Ni, Co) comp...
The crystal structure of R2T(Ni,Co)Si3 consists of hexagonal layers of rare-earth atoms and randomly distributed T-Si arranged alternately along hexagonal c-axis. Magnetic... -
Molecular diffusion in supercooled liquid water
Following our μSR experiment on liquid water (RB1720491) we propose to measure molecular diffusion coefficient (the sum of the diffusion coefficients of muonium and oxygen... -
ALC measurments on deuterated TCNQ
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Muon radicals in the metastable phases of Sulphur
Following our investigation of alpha-orthorhombic sulphur, we will measure level crossing spectra of some other allotropes and phases, to find if the muon radical observed in... -
Determination of diffusing species in LiFePO4 with negative muons
By means of a positive muon spin rotation and relaxation (mu+SR) technique, we have investigate Li and Na ion diffusion in many battery materials. Among them, it was found that... -
Field induced spin Luttinger liquid phase in a spin ladder
Spin ladders present a class of low dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of subtle behaviour which lies between the stark extremes of a one-dimensional chain or... -
The role of spin-orbit interaction on Group-III-trisquinolates
Spin based electronics (spintronics) is one of the most exciting and challenging areas in nanotechnology. It is expected to be of major scientific and social impact. Very little... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the...