315 datasets found

Keywords: planetary nebulae

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  • Planetary nebulae properties

    We apply a method, described in Gorny et al. (1997, Cat. ), to derive the masses of 125 central stars of planetary nebulae (PN). This method is self-consistent and...
  • Abundance gradients from disk PNs

    A new determination of the radial abundance gradients of O/H, Ne/H, S/H, and Ar/H is made for disk planetary nebulae, (PN), that is, those objects of Peimbert types I, II, and...
  • Chemical abundances of PNe

    All modern determinations of chemical abundances of He/H, O/H, C/H, N/H and Ne/H in 277 galactic Planetary Nebulae have been used to update our knowledge of the chemical...
  • Abundances of non-type I PNe in LMC

    Spectroscopic observations, plasma diagnostics and chemical composition of 15 non-type I planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are reported. Abundances of...
  • Radio observations of South. PN Candidates

    IRAS sources having IR colours typical of planetary nebulae and located outside the Galactic bulge were observed in the radio continuum at 6cm with the Australian Compact Array...
  • Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) in 1996-1998

    The photometric UBV observations of V4334 Sgr during 1996-1998 are presented. V4334 Sgr is the nucleus of a planetary nebula during the last helium flash of the shell source and...
  • JHKLM photometry of eight planetary nebulae

    We discuss the infrared (IR) (1.25-5microns) photometry of eight planetary nebulae performed in 1999-2006. For all of the nebulae under study, we have firmly established IR...
  • Planetary nebulae in MACHO Galactic Bulge

    We have examined central stars of planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars found in the MACHO Galactic bulge database to look for variability. We found four central stars of...
  • Spatial orientation of planetary nebulae

    We analyze the spatial orientation of a homogeneous sample of 440 elongated Planetary Nebulae (PNe) in order to determine the orientation of their apparent major axis with...
  • The Spectrum of IC 418

    A detailed high spectral resolution study of the spectrum of IC 418 is made for the region 3650{AA} to 10050{AA}, using the Hamilton echelle spectrograph of Lick Observatory,...
  • New planetary nebulae

    List of all new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs (from 2016, Lastr, 91, 26) and nebulae in the mid-infrared (from 2016, LAstr, 91 36). Cone search capability for...
  • New planetary nebulae

    List of new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs. Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/80.42/table1 (Planerary nebulae candidates discovered by French...
  • New planetary nebulae candidates

    List of all new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs. Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/136.58/table1 (List of planetary nebulae candidates) Cone search...
  • New planetary nebulae candidates

    List of all new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs. Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/125.54/table1 (List of planetary nebulae candidates) Cone search...
  • New planetary nebulae candidates

    La recherche d'objets non references dans le ciel est devenue une activite courante dans le milieu amateur. Les cibles convoitees sont de differentes natures: cometes, etoiles...
  • New planetary nebulae candidates

    List of all new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs. Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/102.46/table1 (List of planetary nebulae candidates) Cone search...
  • ASKAP-EMU ESP LMC Radio Continuum Survey

    We present an analysis of a new 120 deg^2^ radio continuum image of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) at 888MHz with a bandwidth of 288MHz and beam size of 13.9"x12.1", from the...
  • Search for PN candidates with machine learning

    Planetary nebulae (PNe) are strong H{alpha} line emitters and a lot of new PNe discoveries have been made by the SuperCOSMOS AAO/UKST H{alpha} Survey (SHS) and the Isaac Newton...
  • Properties of UWISH2 PNe candidates

    We present medium-resolution K-band long-slit spectroscopy of 29 true, likely, possible, and candidate Galactic Plane planetary nebulae (PNe) from the UWISH2 survey, many of...
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