List of all new planetary nebulae discovered by French amateurs (from 2016, Lastr, 91, 26) and nebulae in the mid-infrared (from 2016, LAstr, 91 36).
Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/91.26/table1 (Total 110 PNG (24/01/2106) (from 2016, LAstr, 91, 26))
Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/91.26/table2 (Objets of uncertain nature : all the 30 discoveries in the visible since 2009 (from 2016, LAstr, 91, 26))
Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/91.26/tab3ir1 (Infrared planetary nebulae candidates IR-1 (76 sources) (from 2016, LAstr, 91, 36))
Cone search capability for table J/other/LAstr/91.26/tab3ir2 (Infrared planetary nebulae candidates IR-2 (from 2016, LAstr, 91, 36))