315 datasets found

Keywords: planetary nebulae

Filter Results
  • PN and HII regions of West and East of NGC 3109

    Images obtained with the ESO VLT and FORS1 in [O III] 5007 on- and off-band, as well as r_Gunn filters, are analyzed to search for planetary nebula (PN) candidates. In the...
  • Chemical compositions of 48 WR planetary nebulae

    Chemical compositions and other properties of planetary nebulae around central stars of spectral types [WC], [WO], and wels are compared with those of "normal" central stars, in...
  • Optical spectroscopy of 253 IRAS sources

    We study the optical spectral properties of a sample of stars showing far infrared colours similar to those of well-known planetary nebulae. The large majority of them were...
  • Magellanic Clouds PNe abundances

    We present the second part of an optical spectroscopic study of planetary nebulae in the LMC and SMC. The first paper, Leisy & Dennefeld (1996, Cat. ), discussed the CNO...
  • Galactic Open Cluster Candidates

    An inspection of DSS and 2MASS images of selected Milky Way regions led to the discovery of 66 stellar groupings whose morphologies, color-magnitude diagrams and stellar density...
  • Integrated spectrum of NGC 7027

    We present deep optical spectra of the archetypal young planetary nebula (PN) NGC 7027, covering a wavelength range from 3310 to 9160{AA}. The observations were carried out by...
  • Evolved stars in the MSX survey

    We investigate the evolution of oxygen- and carbon-rich AGB stars, post-AGB objects, and planetary nebulae using data collected mainly from the MSX catalogue. Magnitudes and...
  • Abundances in planetary nebulae

    We present new spectroscopic data (43 objects) and derived plasma diagnostics and abundances (164 objects) of a sample of planetary nebulae in the direction of the Galactic...
  • Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae

    In this paper, we report new observations and derive chemical abundances for a sample of 26 planetary nebulae (PN) located in the anti-center direction. Most of these nebulae...
  • Planetary nebulae near the Galactic Center

    We surveyed the central 4x4 degrees of the Galactic center for planetary nebulae in the light of [S III] {lambda}9532 and found 94 PNe that were not previously known, plus 3...
  • Crystalline silicates around evolved stars

    This is the first paper in a series of three where we present the first comprehensive inventory of solid state emission bands observed in a sample of 17 oxygen-rich...
  • Abundances of PN towards Galactic bulge

    In this work we report spectrophotometric observations of a planetary nebula sample towards the galactic bulge. A total of 45 PNe was observed and their physical parameters...
  • Candidate Planetary Nebulae in M81

    File table1.dat contains the identification number, the coordinates (2000), the [OIII]5007 and the H{alpha}+[NII] flux of the candidate PNe detected in Messier 81, using the...
  • New galactic bulge PNe

    We observed 64 newly identified galactic bulge planetary nebulae in the radio continuum at 3 and 6 cm with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We present their radio images,...
  • Radio emission from planetary nebulae

    We have analysed the radio fluxes for 264 planetary nebulae for which reliable measurements of fluxes at 1.4 and 5 GHz, and of nebular diameters are available. For many of the...
  • Abundances of HDE 341617

    Detailed atmospheric abundances have been calculated for a sample of A-G supergiant stars with IR fluxes and/or high galactic latitudes. HD 172481 and HD 158616 show clear...
  • Candidate Planetary Nebulae in M 33

    File table1.dat contains the identification number, the coordinates (2000), the H{alpha}+[NII] flux and the [OIII]5007 flux of the PNe detected in Messier 33, with the Isaac...
  • Abundance gradients in planetary nebulae

    Radial abundance gradients of the element ratios O/H, Ne/H, S/H, and Ar/H are determined on the basis of a sample of disk planetary nebulae. The behaviour of the gradients at...
  • PN abundances in five galaxies

    We have collected photometric and spectroscopic data on planetary nebulae (PNe) in 5 galaxies: the Milky Way (bulge), M31 (bulge), M 32, the LMC and the SMC. We have computed...
  • Planetary nebulae abundances

    Long slit spectrophotometry of 13 bipolar planetary nebulae has been used to study their physical and chemical properties. In each nebula, one to seven different spatial regions...
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