LegacyPollen2.0: Taxonomically harmonized pollen percentages of European samp...
This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records... -
LegacyPollen2.0: Taxonomically harmonized pollen counts of European samples w...
This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records... -
LegacyPollen2.0: Overview of taxonomically harmonized pollen records
This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records... -
Temperature and precipitation reconstruction for European samples from the No...
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REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 3491 sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
Reconstruction model statistics for European samples from the Northern Hemisp...
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Taxonomically harmonized pollen percentages of European samples with revised ...
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Taxonomically harmonized pollen counts of European samples with revised chron...
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Reconstruction significances for European samples from the Northern Hemispher...
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(Table S2) Global dataset of peatland basal ages
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Harmonized chronologies of a global late Quaternary pollen dataset (LegacyAge...
This dataset presents global revised age models for taxonomically harmonized fossil pollen records. The age-depth models were established from mostly Intcal20-calibrated... -
Description of sampling sites in the European region
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Radiocarbon dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes
A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and... -
Information about core chronologies
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(3 Table Control_P) Chronological information for the individual age-depth re...
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(1 Table EpdAgeCut) Sample ages, the final product
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(4 Table EpdAgeAll) Sample ages including unlikely extrapolated ages and othe...
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(2 Table Entity) Positions of cores
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List of datasets used in Fyfe et al. (2015) From forest to farmland: pollen-i...
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Pollen profile TUROVA, Turova Dacha, Ukraine
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.