LegacyPollen2.0: Taxonomically harmonized pollen percentages of European samples with revised chronologies


This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records in Europe, 687 records in Asia, 185 records in South America, 159 in Africa and 81 in the Indo-Pacific region. We expanded the previous version of the LegacyPollen 1.0 data set (Herzschuh et al., 2022; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-3213-2022) with records from the Neotoma Paleoecology Database (https://www.neotomadb.org/; last access: August 31, 2022), ACER 1.0 database (Sánchez Goñi et al., 2017; https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.870867), Chinese fossil pollen dataset (Zhou et al., 2023, https://www.plant-ecology.com/CN/Y2023/V47/I10/1453 [in Chinese]; Cao et al., 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16274), and our own collection for the Asian sector. Taxonomic harmonization (i.e., woody taxa and major herbaceous taxa have been harmonized to genus level and other herbaceous taxa to family level) and temporal standardization (i.e., re-estimation of age-depth models) follow the previously established frameworks LegacyPollen 1.0 (Herzschuh et al., 2022; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-3213-2022) and LegacyAge 1.0 (Li et al., 2022; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-1331-2022), respectively. In compiling the dataset, we also followed the practices recommended by Flantua et al. (2023; https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13693) for large-scale paleoecological data synthesis, such as how to select data sources and filter the dataset.Compared to the LegacyPollen 1.0 dataset, we now include the Neotoma DOI (if Neotoma source) in the overview table of site metadata to eliminate the broken chain of static LegacyPollen 2.0 dataset with living (such as updating discovered metadata errors and chronologies) Neotoma and associated risk of data staleness. Furthermore, we also added the PANGAEA Event (PANGAEA dataset identifier) for each new record to ensure that our dataset meets PANGAEA's high standards for quality, usability, and compliance.

The event AKO_combined cobines events "AKO 11; AKO 14; AKO24; AKO25" => Neotoma URLs: http://doi.org/10.21233/XW3E-V308; http://doi.org/10.21233/22EZ-Q584; http://doi.org/10.21233/BJGC-8T48; http://doi.org/10.21233/A024-5D69

DOI https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.971693
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.965907
Related Identifier IsSupplementTo https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-1862
Related Identifier References https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2023-486
Related Identifier IsVariantFormOf https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.929773
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.971693
Creator Li, Chenzhi ORCID logo; Ni, Jian ORCID logo; Böhmer, Thomas ORCID logo; Cao, Xianyong ORCID logo; Zhou, Borui; Liao, Mengna; Li, Kai; Schild, Laura ORCID logo; Wieczorek, Mareike ORCID logo; Heim, Birgit ORCID logo; Herzschuh, Ulrike ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2025
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 25618633 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-28.191W, 31.419S, 42.497E, 79.740N); Alboran Sea; Europe; Black Sea, Bulgaria; Abant Gölü, Turkey; Abborrtjärnen, Sweden; Lago dellAccesa, Italy; Almenara de Adaja, Spain; Adange, Georgia; Aegelsee, Switzerland; Älbi Flue, Switzerland; Abernethy Forest, United Kingdom; Ageröds Mosse, Sweden; Ahlenmoor, Germany; Aholami, Finland; Akuvaara, Finland; Albufera Alcudia, Spain; Aletschwald, Switzerland; Algendar, Spain; Plan du Laus, France; Moor Alpenrose, Austria; Alsa, Spain; Hières sur Amby, France; Ampoix, France; Amsoldingersee, Switzerland; Amtkel, Georgia; France; Allt na Feithe Sheilich, United Kingdom; Tourbière de Santa Anna, Italy; Anneray, France; Anse Saint-Martin, France; Åntu Sinijarv, Estonia; Arkutino Lake, Bulgaria; Monte Areo mire, Spain; Aronde, France; Lake Varna, Bulgaria; Arts Lough, Ireland; Åsbotorpsjön, Sweden; Loch Ashik, United Kingdom; Greece; Atemlöchermoos, Austria; Altenweiher, France; Atxuri, Spain; Auneau, France; Germany; Avrig, Romania; Babozero, Russia; Bachalpsee, Switzerland; Bajondillo, Spain; Ballinloghig Lake, Ireland; Ballybetagh, Ireland; Banyoles, Spain; Poço do Barbaroxa de Cima, Portugal; La Grande Basse, France; Basse-Ville, France; Bigholm Burn, United Kingdom; Bebrukas Lake, Lithuania; Peat-bog Begbunar, Bulgaria; Alp Lüsga Belalp 1, Switzerland; Alp Lüsga Belalp 2, Switzerland; Puerto de Belate, Spain; Lac du Mont de Belier, France; Beliya Kanton, Bulgaria; Belle Lake, Ireland; Bellengreville, France; Bergakyllen, Sweden; Besbog, Bulgaria; La Beuffarde, France; Beysehir Gölü I, Turkey; Bezdonnoe, Russia; Bibersee, Switzerland; Torbiera del Biecai, Italy; Biot, France; Bitsch-Naters, Switzerland; Bjärsjöholmssjön, Sweden; Bjarsjon, Sweden; Bjorksjodamm, Sweden; Královec, Czech Republic; Blato, Czech Republic; Blavasstjonn, Norway; Bledowo Lake, Poland; Black Loch, United Kingdom; Blomoy, Norway; BurMarrad ria, Malta; Bobrov, Slovakia; The Bog, United Kingdom; Lac des Boites, France; Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy; La Borie, France; Bosc dels Estanyons, Andorra; Bosscherheide, Netherlands; Lac du Bouchet, France; Saint Michel de Braspart, France; Brede Bridge, United Kingdom; Breitnau-Neuhof, Germany; Brentenlohe, Germany; Lingreville, France; United Kingdom; Harz, Germany; Brugeroux, France; Brurskardtjorni, Norway; Bruvatnet, Norway; Buntes Moor, Austria; Bossons Glacier, Massif du Mont-Blanc, Haute-Savoie, France; Butter Mountain, United Kingdom; Caburn, United Kingdom; Cairon, France; Cam Loch, United Kingdom; Bulgaria; Canaleja, Spain; Charco da Candieira, Portugal; Spain; Selle di Carnino, Italy; Carrivmoragh, United Kingdom; La Caudelais, France; Switzerland; Tourbière de Champlong, Italy; Lac de Chambedaze, France; Change-Glatinier, France; Chantemerle, France; Chernikhovo, Belarus; Etang de Cheylade, France; Chef-du-Pont, France; Chistic, Russia; Le Marais St Boetien, France; Chrást, Czech Republic; Loch aChroisg, United Kingdom; Chutti, Boltigen, Switzerland; Loch Clair, United Kingdom; Clapeyret, France; Clatteringshaws Loch, United Kingdom; Loch Cleat, United Kingdom; Colfiorito, Italy; Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Swiss Alps; Coolteen, Ireland; Correo, France; Coulvain, France; Calan Porter, Spain; Cregganmore, Ireland; Creich Castle, United Kingdom; Cerná Hora, Czech Republic; Cristol Lake, France; Slieve Croob, United Kingdom; Voros-mocsar, Hungary; Csögle, Hungary; Starniki, Ukraine; Cueto de la Avellanosa, Spain; Dags Mosse, Sweden; Dallican Water, United Kingdom; Dalmutladdo, Norway; Velky Ded, Czech Republic; Derrycunihy, Ireland; Italy; Dlinnoe, Russia; Zlatnicka Dolina, Slovakia; Nad Dolským mlýnem, Czech Republic; Domsjön, Sweden; Domsvatnet, Norway; Donvold, Norway; Dortmunder Hütte, Austria; Dossaccio, Bormio, Italy; Dovjok Swamp, Ukraine; The Dowels Walland marsh, United Kingdom; Lochan an Druim, United Kingdom; Duartbeg, United Kingdom; Dura-Moor, Italy; Lake Duranunlak, Bulgaria; Dvur Ansov, Czech Republic; Gulf of Riga; Edessa, Greece; Egelsee, Austria; Eggen ob Blatten, Switzerland; Etang de la Gruère, Switzerland; Loch Einich, United Kingdom; Ellanmore, United Kingdom; Embouchac, France; Lake Ermistu, Estonia; Puerto de las Estaces de Trueba, Spain; Etang paysan, France; Franz Senn-Hütte, Austria; Fangeas, France; Lago delle Fate, Italy; Feld Alp Holzmatten, Switzerland; Feuenried, Germany; Fjällnas, Sweden; Flaatevatn, Norway; Norway; Flaje Kiefern, Czech Republic; Lake Flarken, Sweden; Flögeln, Germany; Mobeche Forest, France; Fontaine Henry, France; Grande Brière, France; Fougères, France; Foula, United Kingdom; Le Fourneau, France; Frengstadsetra, Norway; Fuschlsee, Austria; Lac Superieur de Fully, Switzerland; Füramoos, Germany; Giecz, Poland; Gänsemoos, Schwarzenburg, Switzerland; Gagra, Georgia; Gaienhofen, Germany; Cala Galdana, Spain; Galtsjön, Sweden; Gamperfin, Switzerland; Mire Garvan, Bulgaria; Tourbière de Gatimort, France; Anse de Gattemare, France; Gallanech Beg, United Kingdom; Durchenbergried, Germany; Israel; Gelmyazevskoye, Ukraine; Georgenfelder Hochmoor, Germany; Gerlos, Austria; Lochan coir a Ghobhainn, United Kingdom; Giannitsa, Greece; Gondo Alpjen, Switzerland; Gors Fawr Bog, United Kingdom; Gotnavolok, Russia; Gradenmoos, Austria; Grächen See, Switzerland; Grasvatn, Norway; Greicheralp, Riederalp, Switzerland; Grünsee, Reschenscheideck, Italy; Håkulls Mosse, Sweden; Halos I, Greece; Hälsegyl, Sweden; Halsjön II, Sweden; Hängstli, Switzerland; Hawks Tor, United Kingdom; Mittlere Hellelen, Switzerland; Herrenwiesser See, Germany; Saint Hilaire du Rosier, France; Hinterburgseeli, Switzerland; Hirvilampi, Finland; Horsemarsh Sewer, United Kingdom; Hornstaad, Germany; Hockham Mere, United Kingdom; Holtjärnen, Sweden; Hope farm Walland marsh, United Kingdom; Hopschensee, Switzerland; Lake Hopseidet, Norway; Hrabanoská cernava, Czech Republic; Huleh, Israel; Huzenbacher See, Germany; Lake Ifjord, Norway; Il Fuorn, Switzerland; Imatu Mire, Estonia; Ioannina I, Greece; Iosipovo, Ukraine; Isokärret, Finland; Ivanovskoye Peat Bog, Russia; Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia; Lake Jarveotsa, Estonia; Jasiel, Poland; Jaslo, Poland; Borkovicka blata, Czech Republic; Jelení louze, Czech Republic; Lake Hancza, Suwazki-Augustów Lake District, northeastern Poland; Le Jolan, France; Juf Plan, Switzerland; Kaarkotinlampi, Finland; Kaartlamminsuo, Finland; Estonia; Kalsa Mire, Estonia; Kalven, Sweden; Kamenicky, Czech Republic; Kangerjoki, Finland; Kansjon, Sweden; Kararmik Batakligi, Turkey; Kardashinski Swamp, Ukraine; Lake Karujarv, Estonia; Kastoria, Greece; Katzenloch, Austria; Kaz Gölü, Turkey; Kepskoe, Russia; Khimaditis Ib, Greece; Khimaditis III, Greece; Khomin Mokh, Ukraine; Sea of Galilee, Israel; Sweden; Kings Pool, United Kingdom; Kirchbichl, Austria; Kirikumae, Estonia; Kirkkosaari, Finland; Hungary; Klotjärnen, Sweden; Kluki, Poland; Finland; Komoranské jezero, Czech Republic; Köycegiz Gölü, Turkey; Kozli, Czech Republic; Úpské raseliniste Mire, Czech Republic; Krageholmssjön, Sweden; Krugloye, Russia; Kroksjön, Sweden; Krotenweiher, Austria; Krumpa, Germany; Kruzlová, Slovakia; Küçük Akgöl, Turkey; Kuivajarvi, Finland; Kulzer Moos, Germany; Kunyok, Russia; Kupena, Bulgaria; Wildseemoor bei Kaltenbronn, Germany; Lake of Annecy, France; Kralovehradecky Kraj, Czech republic; Tourbière de la Borde, United Kingdom; Lackan Bog, United Kingdom; Ladik Gölü, Turkey; Lagoa Comprida, Portugal; Lago de Ajo, Spain; Lailias, Greece; Lai Nair, Schuls-Tarasp, Switzerland; Telemark, southeastern Norway; Lake Racze, Poland; Lalaxkärret, Finland; Tourbière de la Lande, France; Landshaftnoe, Russia; Langes Fenn Kemnitzerheide, Germany; Lanser Moor, Austria; Lanzahíta, Spain; Laguna de la Roya, Spain; Las Pardillas Lake, Spain; Lac du Lauzon, France; Col des Lauzes, France; Lavau, France; La Vie, France; Lago Piccolo di Avigliana, Italy; Loch Laxford, United Kingdom; Lade Bank, United Kingdom; Little Cheyne Court Walland marsh, United Kingdom; Lake Lednica, Poland; Le Grand Lemps, France; Lake Lerna, Greece; Le Suc, France; Lagaccione, Italy; Lilla Gloppsjön, Sweden; Lago Grande di Monticchio, Italy; Lignin Lake, France; Liivjarve Bog, Estonia; Lillsjön, Sweden; Linden, Switzerland; Lindenmoos, Austria; Litochoro, Greece; Ljungsjön, Sweden; Lobsigensee, Switzerland; Loch Lomond Ross Dubh, United Kingdom; Posidonia Lligat, Spain; Lac Long Inférieur, France; Llyn Gwernan, United Kingdom; Le Loclat, Switzerland; Locmariaquer, France; Lac de Lod, Italy; Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany; Logne, France; Logylet, Sweden; Tourbière de Longeyroux, France; Lüderholz, Germany; Luganskoe, Russia; Etang de Luissel, Bex, Switzerland; Col Luitel, France; Lutinière, France; Lutzenberg, Austria; Breidfeld, Luxembourg; Rodenbourg Bretzboesh, Luxembourg; Strait of Sicily; Maanselänsuo, Finland; Lake Maardu, Estonia; Mabo Moss, Sweden; Velky Maj, Czech Republic; Maleshevska Mountains Peat Bog, Bulgaria; Malschötscher Hotter, Italy; Hobbs Lot March, United Kingdom; Loch Maree, United Kingdom; Mariahout, Netherlands; Lago di Martignano, Italy; Masehjavri, Finland; Marais de Marchesieux, France; Vitosha Mountains Peat Bog, Bulgaria; Monte Mattone, Italy; Mayralampi, Finland; Horní Lomná, Czech Republic; Mediterranean Sea; Porto Seamount; Marge Ibérique; Vigo; Mekelermeer, Netherlands; Melnický úval, Czech Republic; Merzdorf, Germany; Meerfelder Maar, Germany; Mieminger See, Austria; Miesberg, Austria; Lake Mikolajki, Poland; Miroshy, Ukraine; Mokre louky, Czech Republic; Moerzeke, Belgium; Mohos, Romania; La Molina mire, Spain; Refugio Mondovi, Italy; Mont Carré, Hérémence, Switzerland; Tourbière de Mont Sec, France; Morrone Birkwoods, United Kingdom; Mossen, Finland; Motta Naluns, Switzerland; Lac Mouton, France; Anse de la Mare, France; Maly Suszek, Poland; Mukkavaara, Finland; Mullsjön, Sweden; Murifeld, Bern, Switzerland; Tourbière de Mur de Sologne, France; Mustusuo, Russia; Hoya del Castillo, Spain; Salada Pequeña, Spain; Laguna Salada Chiprana, Spain; Na bahne, Czech Republic; Tourbière des Narses Mortes, France; Slieve Naslat, United Kingdom; Navarrés, Spain; Nemino, Russia; Lake Nero, Russia; Niechorze, Poland; Nigula, Estonia; Nedre Madbergagölen, Sweden; Notsel, Netherlands; Novolsky, Belarus; Nussbaumer Seen, Switzerland; Oberaar, Switzerland; Olbramovice, Czech Republic; Oltush Lake, Belarus; Lake Orestiás, Greece; Lac du Mont dOrge, Sion, Switzerland; Laghi dellOrgials, Italy; Ospitale, Italy; Etang dOuveillan, France; Ova Gölü, Turkey; Oberderdingen-Großvillars, Germany; Vestre Oykjamyrtorn, Norway; Lago Padule, Italy; Alsópáhok, Hungary; Påidre, Estonia; Mount Paiko, Greece; Pamerkiai Outcrop, Lithuania; Pannel Bridge, United Kingdom; Pancavská louka, Czech Republic; Pelléautier, France; Peña Negra, Spain; Planell de Perafita, Andorra; Pertouli, Greece; Tourbière du Peschio, France; Petiville, France; Peuil Peat Bog, France; Peyrelevade, France; Pickletillem, United Kingdom; Pierre Folle, France; Flambouro-Pieria mountains, Greece; Tourbière de Pilaz, Italy; Pillermoos Untergurgl, Austria; Pillon, Gsteig-Diablerets, Switzerland; Pinarbasi, Turkey; Place du Commerce, France; Plaine Alpe, France; Plesné jezero, Czech Republic; Pölöske, Hungary; Popovo Ezero, Bulgaria; Popradské pleso, Slovakia; Lac de Praver, France; PRD-4, Spain; Preluca Tiganului, Romania; Pré Rond, France; Lago Pratignano, Italy; Praz Rodet, Switzerland; Moulin de Prugnolas, France; Pryskyricný dul, Czech Republic; Ptichje, Russia; Punso, Estonia; Vasikkasuo, Finland; Puscizna Rekowianska, Poland; Darzlubie Forest, Poland; Quintanar de la Sierra, Spain; Lake Racou, France; Raigastvere Lake, Estonia; Rattuvarri, Norway; Saint Julien de Ratz, France; Grand Ratz le Pellet, France; Lake Sedmo Rilsko, Bulgaria; Redmere, United Kingdom; Regetovka, Slovakia; Reviers, France; Rezabinec, Czech Republic; Elatia-Rhodopes, Greece; Ribnoe, Russia; Rinderplatz, Italy; Rotsee, Switzerland; Little Loch Roag, United Kingdom; Alpi di Robièi, Val Bavona, Switzerland; Roquetas de Mar, Spain; Rosle Nowe, Poland; Rotmoos Obergurgl, Austria; Tourbière de Roussy, France; Roztoki, Poland; Rugozero, Russia; Rukatunturi, Finland; Rynholec, Czech Republic; Ryönänsuo, Finland; Plesheevo Lake, Russia; Lake Skrzetuszewskie, Poland; Velká niva, Czech Republic; Hurecká Bog, Czech Republic; Rokytecká slat, Czech Republic; Mrtvý luh, Czech Republic; Strázenská slat, Czech Republic; Malá niva, Czech Republic; Sägistalsee, Switzerland; Saham Mere, United Kingdom; Saksunarvatn, Faroe Islands; Saldropo, Spain; Lake Sambösjön, Sweden; Sanabria Marsh, Spain; Sandvikvatn, Norway; San Rafael, Spain; Särkikangas, Finland; Baltic Sea; Sauborst im Rehauer Forst, Bayerisches Vogtland, 3,5 km NO R; Schönwies, Austria; Schöpfenwaldmoor, Switzerland; Schwarzsee, Italy; Schwarzsee, Reschenscheideck, Austria; Schwemm, Austria; Fichtelgebirge, Northern Germany; Semenic, Romania; Serni, Russia; Puerto de Serranillos, Spain; Pico del Sertal, Spain; Lake Shabla-Ezeretz, Bulgaria; Shombashuo, Russia; Sibista, Georgia; Lac de Siguret, France; Siikasuo, Finland; Loch Sionascaig, United Kingdom; Saint Sixte, France; Lac Saint Léger, France; Hozelec, Slovakia; Wales; Skvarran, Sweden; Slawsko, Poland; Slopiec, Poland; Sluggan Moss, Ireland; Moselotte, France; Le Marais de la Perge, France; Sögüt Gölü, Turkey; Solnechnoe, Russia; Lake Solso, Denmark; Sommersüss, Italy; Spjällsjön, Sweden; Menez-Cam, France; Semmeldalen, Norway; Simplon/Gampisch-Alter Spittel, Switzerland; Stará Boleslav, Czech Republic; Steerenmoos, Germany; Steregoiu, Romania; Saint-Momelin, France; Stoyanov, Ukraine; The Mere Stow Bedon, United Kingdom; Straldzha mire, Bulgaria; Strbské pleso, Slovakia; Saint-Thomas, France; Stupino, Russia; Saint-Ursin, France; Saint Viaud Contin, France; Styggtjärnen, Sweden; Atlantic Ocean; Sudoble Lake, Belarus; Süftenenegg, Switzerland; Dry Lake II, Bulgaria; Suovalampi, Finland; Svarcenberk, Czech Republic; Svatoborice-Mistrin, Czech Republic; Svencele Bog, Lithuania; Swienskuhle, Germany; Syrjälänsuo, Finland; Szymbark, Poland; La Taphanel, France; Tarnawa Wyzna, Poland; Tarnowiec, Poland; Tauernmoos, Austria; Teanga, United Kingdom; Tenaghi Philippon, Greece; Teplické údolí, Czech Republic; Delta del Rio Besos, Spain; Thorpe Bulmer, United Kingdom; Tisice, Czech Republic; Tlstá hora, Slovakia; Åkerhultagöl, Sweden; Tondi, Estonia; Puerto de Los Tornos, Spain; Tourves, France; Lagoa Travessa I, Portugal; Lagoa Travessa II, Portugal; Grosser Treppelsee, Germany; Trettetjorn, Norway; Troarn Saint-Samson, France; Trogenmoos, Switzerland; Trollvatnet, Norway; Mire Johvika, Estonia; Tullerinsuo, Finland; Turova Dacha, Ukraine; Grosses Überling Schattseit-Moor, Austria; Unter-Ückersee, Germany; Uddelermeer, Netherlands; Anenské údolí, Czech Republic; Uitbergen, Belgium; Umbrail, Switzerland; off Norway; Vallon de Provence, France; Vauville, France; Borkum Riffgrund, Germany; Tourbière les Veaux, Switzerland; Vernerovice, Czech Republic; Vinderhoute, Belgium; Vingölen, Sweden; Baie de Seine estuary, France; Vladar, Czech Republic; Vlci rokle, Czech Republic; Vallée de la Voise, France; Mount Voras, Greece; Lake Voulkaria, Greece; Vracov, Czech Republic; Wachel, Germany; Wachseldorn Untermoos, Switzerland; Wag, United Kingdom; Wallbach, Lenk, Switzerland; Wasenmoos, Austria; Watten, France; Waxeckalm, Austria; Weiherlohe, Germany; Hochmoor im Weißenstadter Forst/Fichtelgebirge; Welney Washes, United Kingdom; Mire Pelisoo, Estonia; Waschhorn, Germany; Wiggenhall St. Germans, United Kingdom; Wilder See beim Ruhestein, Germany; Willingham Mere, United Kingdom; Windbruch, Germany; Wolbrom, Poland; Wolin, Poland; Wolfslohe im Steinwald; Woryty, Poland; Lake Xinias, Greece; Etang dy Cor, Montana, Switzerland; Yeniçaga Gölü, Turkey; Ylimysneva, Finland; Zahájí, Czech Republic; Zalozhtsy, Ukraine; Zapovednoe, Russia; Zaruckoe, Russia; Zbudovska blata, Czech Republic; Zirbenwaldmoor, Austria; Zotensenk, Austria; Zarnowiec Peat Bog, Poland
Temporal Coverage Begin 1938-06-26T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z