Evaluating Augmented Locomotion and Range of Reachable Objects for Older Adul...
Virtual reality (VR) exergames are increasingly used to support user motivation and retention. Similarly, virtual augmentation---virtually adjusting players' abilities in... -
ExerCube vs. Virtual Reality: A Comparative Study of Exergame Technologies fo...
Insufficient physical activity is a major challenge in our aging society. Although exergames can provide enjoyable exercise opportunities for older adults, it remains unclear... -
Unlocking the Potential: The Role of Game Elements on Player Motivation and I...
Virtual reality (VR) exergames provide enjoyable, immersive workouts, yet there is still a lack of knowledge about how to design these games effectively to unlock their... -
SFB/Transregio 161 Data Management Plan 2019-2023
The participating universities in SFB/Transregio 161 acknowledge the general importance of research data management as a vital issue for all of their work and provide increasing... -
EXC IntCDC - Data Management Plan Template for Research Projects
This Data Management Plan describes the data management life cycle for the data, a Research Project of EXC IntCDC will collect, process and/or generate. Moreover, it describes... -
Poster: Raman spectroscopy as a tool for analysing carbon inks from ancient p...
This poster was presented at : International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA) 2023 Abstract The Palm-leaf Manuscript... -
Material Analysis of Papyri from the chancellery of Qurra b. Sharik
This poster was presented in: International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology – InArt 2024 Abstract An important corpus of administrative texts... -
Evaluationsbericht zur Umfrage "Gleichstellung und Diversität an der Fakultät...
Dieser Bericht befasst sich mit den Ergebnissen einer Befragung, die vom Gleichstellungsreferat der Fakultät Rechtswissenschaft zum Thema „Gleichstellung und... -
Biologically Inspired Learning: Controlling the Neuronal Activity
A layered neural net with adaptable synaptic weights and fixed threshold potentials is studied, in the presence of a global feedback signal that can only have two values,... -
SFB/Transregio 161 Data Management Plan 2019-2023
The participating universities in SFB/Transregio 161 acknowledge the general importance of research data management as a vital issue for all of their work and provide increasing... -
EXC IntCDC - Data Management Plan Template for Research Projects
This Data Management Plan describes the data management life cycle for the data, a Research Project of EXC IntCDC will collect, process and/or generate. Moreover, it describes... -
An Evaluation of Targeting Methods in Spatial Computing Interfaces with Visua...
In modern spatial computing devices, users are confronted with diverse methods for object selection, including eye gaze (cf. Apple Vision Pro), hand gestures (cf. Microsoft... -
Redirecting Rays: Evaluation of Assistive Raycasting Techniques in Virtual Re...
Raycasting-based interaction techniques are widely used for object selection in immersive environments. Despite their intuitive use, they come with challenges due to small or... -
Immersive Reading: Comparison of Performance and User Experience for Reading ...
Specific use cases in virtual reality (VR) require users to read long texts on their headsets. We use VR to support researchers in the humanities, which includes the display of... -
Ancient Theatre of Miletus: A Virtual Reality Research Tool for Studying Writ...
Virtual reality (VR) can introduce new perspectives and methods to existing research fields, such as the humanities. We present a VR research tool for facilitating the study of... -
4th Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2024)
AI can support research in the Humanities making it easier and more efficient. It is thus essential that AI practitioners and Humanities scholars take a Humanities-centred... -
Data Linking Workshop 2024: Dataset Provision and Citation in the Digital Age
Research in the humanities is evolving with the introduction of data-driven methods and visualization techniques that integrate different datasets such as images, videos, and... -
Ambivalent Allies: Anglo-Polish Relations through Medical and Scientific Exch...
In January 1946, the British Council re-opened its Warsaw Office. The following year, capitalizing on the desperate post-war conditions within Poland, the Council established... -
Neighbours in knowledge? German and Swiss migrants' efforts to reconcile chi...
Abstract As culturally and geographically close countries, Switzerland and Germany share many similarities, which have led to increased migration between the two countries,... -
Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe Mass Spectrometry: A Minimally Invasive App...
Carbon-based and iron-gall inks constitute the two main classes of black writing inks. Carbon ink, considered the primary writing substance in the ancient world, contrasts with...