Description of loess sections in China


The magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols in central China represents a proxy climate index closely related to past changes of precipitation and vegetation, and thus to summer monsoon intensity. Time series of magnetic susceptibility constructed for three loess-paleosol sequences in the southern part of the Chinese Loess Plateau document the history of summer monsoon variation during the last 130,000 yr. They correlate closely with the oxygen isotope record of stages 1 to 5 in deep-sea sediments. Soils were forming during intervals of strong summer monsoon, whereas loess units were deposited at times of reduced monsoon intensity. The Chinese loess-paleosol sequence can thus be viewed as a proxy record of Asian monsoon variability extending over the last 2.5 myr.

Supplement to: An, Zhisheng; Kukla, George J; Porter, Stephen C; Xiao, Jule (1991): Magnetic susceptibility evidence of monsoon variation on the Loess Plateau of Central China during the last 130000 years. Quaternary Research, 36(1), 29-36

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator An, Zhisheng ORCID logo; Kukla, George J; Porter, Stephen C; Xiao, Jule
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1991
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 150 data points
Discipline Geology; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (103.200W, 34.167S, 109.417E, 35.750N)