Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Tethys


Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal assemblages include rare planispiral and pseudoplanispiral morphotypes with elongate chambers that BouDagher-Fadel et al. assigned to Schackoina or accommodated in the new genus Claviblowiella. New findings of well-preserved planktonic foraminiferal faunas from the Lesches en Diois (SE France) section, the Cismon core (NE Italy), the Calabianca (NW Sicily) section and the Upper Aptian of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 545 drilled off Morocco, have allowed a better understanding of the morphological features of these rare, unevenly distributed taxa. Our data demonstrate that each small planispiral species with globular chambers has a corresponding “clavate” morphotype which (as the “normal” forms) exhibits a smooth, finely perforate wall. Consequently, the latter have been assigned here to the genus Globigerinelloides and treated as subspecies of the “non-clavate” taxa. The (clavate) subspecies belonging to the genus Globigerinelloides here retained are G. duboisi sigali Longoria, G. maridalensis elongatus subsp. nov., G. blowi lobatus subsp. nov. and G. paragottisi clavatus subsp. nov., while Globigerinelloides minai Obregòn de la Parra is not retained. In addition, a new genus, Pseudoschackoina, type species Planomalina saundersi Bolli (senior synonym of Hastigerinoides cepedai Obregòn de la Parra, has been formalised for individuals possessing elongate, pointed, laterally compressed chambers, bearing tubulospines arranged on a pseudoplanispiral (dysaxial) coiling mode. Stratigraphically, in the sections studied the first taxon to appear is Pseudoschackoina saundersi, in the uppermost part of the Selli Level (=OAE1a), immediately followed, just above the OAE1a, by all the “clavate” globigerinelloidids. Regarding the last occurrences, Pseudoschackoina saundersi and G. maridalensis elongatus disappear in the lower part of the Globigerinelloides algerianus Zone, Globigerinelloides paragottisi clavatus at the top of the same zone, while Globigerinelloides blowi lobatus and G. duboisi sigali range up to the lower part of the Ticinella bejaouaensis Zone.

Supplement to: Verga, D; Premoli Silva, Isabella (2005): Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Tethys: the Upper Aptian, planispiral morphotypes with elongate chambers. Cretaceous Research, 26(2), 239-259

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.747709
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2005.01.004
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.747709
Creator Verga, D; Premoli Silva, Isabella
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2005
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 4 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-9.365W, 33.664S, 12.860E, 46.050N); North Atlantic/PLATEAU; France