Supplementary data for: "Unconventional superconductivity without doping: infinite-layer nickelates under pressure"


Supplementary data for "Unconventional superconductivity without doping: infinite-layer nickelates under pressure" Context and methodology

This repository contains supplementary data from the associated research work. It serves the purpose of aiding interested and informed readers to reproduce the results of the associated paper and verify their validity. The research area in which this dataset is created is that of condensed matter, strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity This dataset was created manually by collecting and ordering the relevant data. The README file was written by Simone Di Cataldo Technical details

The dataset contains a README file which explains in detail the content of the dataset itself. The general structure is the following: the dataset is divided into subfolders for the general topic (DFT calculations, DMFT calculations for 1 band, DMFT calculations for 10 bands). Each folder then contains further subfolders related to physical quantities (i.e. different pressures, different dopings, different temperatures). Consult the README file for detailed explanation of the naming conventions. The data contained is of mixed type. Most of it are input and output files of softwares that can be read directly with text editors. In addition, hdf5 files from DMFT calculations containing Green's functions, self-energies and two-particle vertexes require dedicated software, e.g. python code with h5py.

Related Identifier IsVersionOf
Metadata Access
Creator Di Cataldo, Simone ORCID logo; Held, Karsten ORCID logo; Si, Liang ORCID logo; Worm, Paul ORCID logo; Tomczak, Jan ORCID logo
Publisher TU Wien
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference FWF Austrian Science Fund 013tf3c58 ROR I5398 Electronic structure and superconductivity in nickelates; FWF Austrian Science Fund 013tf3c58 ROR I5868 Quantum phase transitions and collective modes; FWF Austrian Science Fund 013tf3c58 ROR P36213 Vertex corrections to the conductivity
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact tudata(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0.0
Discipline Other