AFM Statistical data extraction for insect wing nano topology
Supplementary data for "Verifying antibacterial properties of nanopillars on cicada wings" (1.0.0) [Data set]. TU Wien.
Extract the zip file, there the files with the extension ".ibw" are the original binary AFM scans the ".txt" variant of the file is the same file saved as the ASCII data matrix from Gwyddiom. The _xy.txt file stores the pillar's top positions from Fiji see for the description of how to export this file from Fiji. The files with the extensions "_xy.csv", "_xy_normal.txt" and "_z.csv" are generated with the python script outing the command "python3" in the python directory.
The last execution was with python3-numpy (1.21.5-1ubuntu22.04.1) with python3 (3.10.6-1~22.04) all provided paths are relative to the locations in the provided zip.
The diagrams themself are generated utilising tikz in latex to generate a pdf containing the diagrams execute "latexmk figures.tex -pdf -f" in the latex_table_generation directory. The last execution was with version 4.76-1 on a Ubuntu installation 22.04.1.
CC License applies to all images and text files
MIT License applies to the python program