The impact of valley profile on the mobility and Kerr rotation of transition metal dichalcogenides

The transport and optical properties of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides around room temperature are dictated by electron-phonon scattering mechanisms within a complex, spin-textured and multi-valley electronic landscape. The relative positions of the valleys are critical, yet they are sensitive to external parameters and very difficult to determine directly. We propose a first-principles model as a function of valley positions to calculate carrier mobility and Kerr rotation angles, and apply it to MoS₂, WS₂, MoSe₂, and WSe₂. The model brings valuable insights, as well as quantitative predictions of macroscopic properties for a wide range of carrier density. The doping-dependant mobility displays a characteristic peak, the height depending on the position of the valleys. In parallel, the Kerr rotation signal is enhanced when same spin-valleys are aligned, and quenched when opposite spin-valleys are populated. We provide guidelines to optimize and correlate these quantities with respect to experimental parameters, as well as the theoretical support for in situ characterization of the valley positions. The dataset contains the necessary data, a jupyter notebook, a supporting python library, and a small app with a simple user interface to reproduce the results.

Metadata Access
Creator Sohier, Thibault; de Melo, Pedro M. M. C.; Zanolli, Zeila; Verstraete, Matthieu Jean
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering