This record contains data accompanying the paper: Experimental evolution of evolvability Michael Barnett, Lena Zeller, Paul B. Rainey doi:10.1101/2024.05.01.592015 The folder 'Population B whole-genome seq' contains all fastQ files derived from whole-genome re-sequencing of clones within 'meta-population B' that were used to identify and order mutations. A GenBank file 'OV986001-SBW25_genome' provides the appropriate reference genome for mapping these sequences. Names of fastQs files accord to the table 'interactive-pop-B.csv', which itself is the input used to visualise lineage dynamics of meta-population B within the paper via the software 'Colgen'. It is also the input to generate the interactive lineage tree viewable at Colgen can be found here: And its accompanying paper here: doi:10.1101/2024.05.10.593459 The folder 'Sanger seq from T10-M3 cel+ transposon mutagenesis' contains all Sanger sequences used to identify transposon insertion sites following transposon mutagenesis. These can be mapped to the GenBank reference file.