Odzadnji slovar slovenskega jezika.
Reverse dictionary of Slovenian language contains 115,355 headwords and is based on the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language (DSSL). Headwords are sorted a tergo (by last-to-first letter order) and include headwords from DSSL and their variants, full subheadwords and their variants, short subheadwords and subheadwords listed as special verb forms. In addition, information on oblique forms, pronunciation, part of speech and dynamic accent is included.
This dictionary was published as a printed book:
Hajnšek-Holz, Milena, Jakopin, Primož. Odzadnji slovar slovenskega jezika po Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1996.
See also: http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1094