In situ study of recovery and recrystallization of Zr-2.5Nb alloy


Zirconium alloys are widely used in the nuclear industry due to their low neutron capture section and good resistance to corrosion, irradiation and creep. The microstructure of the Zr nuclear rector components evolves all along the manufacturing route and depending on process parameters it can impact the subsequent processes or the final component properties. It is therefore necessary to understand and master the structural evolution to increase the quality of the material. It is experimental evidence that recrystallization of the Zr-2.5Nb alloy containing metastable beta-Zr phase is very difficult if the material was not highly deformed. For finding the optimum processing route a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon is necessary. The aim of the present proposal is performing an in situ analysis of the recovery and recrystallization for understanding the role of the stored energy and of the beta-Zr to beta-Nb transformation on the recrystallization process.

Metadata Access
Creator Andras BORBELY ORCID logo; Mahmoud NAIM; Maxime FOURNIER; Alexis GAILLAC; Jakub DRNEC ORCID logo; Lucas ROUSSEAU
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2025
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields