Various biodiversity metrics of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots derived from plant community data in 2021 and trait data from 2019. Different facets of metrics include: taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic, that is, the average relative total native cover in a plot determined from an average of six 0.25 m² quadrats; the total number of unique native plant species in a plot (richness); the total number of unique plant taxa in a plot (alpha); the nearest taxon distance, i.e. the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 0th quantile; the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 10th quantile; the mean phylogenetic distance; i.e. the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 50th quantile; functional richness, a measure of the total trait space occupied; functional evenness, a measure of the relative distribution of traits in an occupied trait space; functional divergence, a measure of the relative divergence of traits in an occupied trait space, and functional dispersion, a measure of the relative disperion of traits in an occupied trait space determined through relative abundances and dominance.
Unique identifer for every plot. The first letter: P represents restored plots and I represents unrestored plots; The second letter: S represents drought, and C represents ambient weather conditions). The number is the replicate number of a given treatment combination.