Datasets for the manuscript "How horizontal transport and turbulent mixing impacts aerosol particle and precursor concentrations at a background site in the UAE" by Kesti et al. (2024)


This repository contains the data used in the manuscript "How horizontal transport and turbulent mixing impacts aerosol particle and precursor concentrations at a background site in the UAE" by J. Kesti, E. J. O'Connor, A. Hirsikko, J. Backman, H. Lihavainen, H. Korhonen and E. Asmi submitted to the journal "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics"

The campaign name is OASIS. There are five zipped files, one for the dataset from each instrument.

The format description for each dataset is given below. provides OASIS_WXT_data.csv: containing the automatic weather station data in one CSV (comma separated value) file with the following columns - Time (DD.MM.YY HH:MM) - Minimum wind direction (degrees) - Average wind direction (degrees) - Maximum wind direction (degrees) - Minimum wind speed (m/s) - Average wind speed (m/s) - Maximum wind speed (m/s) - Air temperature (degrees C) - Relative humidity (%) - Air pressure (hPa) - Rain accumulation (mm) - Rain duration (s) - Rain intensity (mm/h) - Hail accumulation (hits/cm2) - Hail duration (s) - Hail intensity (hits/cm2h) - Rain peak intensity (mm/h) - Hail peak intensity (hits/cm2h) provides 2 archive files (in tar.gzipped format) containing Halo Doppler lidar, one for 'boundary layer classification' and one for 'vertical profile of horizontal wind from the conical scans at 70 degrees elevation from horizontal', with each archive file containing daily files which are in the self-describing netCDF format and accompanying quicklook files in PNG format. - OASIS_bl_classification.tgz - OASIS_winds_vad70.tgz provides OASIS_SO2_data.csv: containing the SO2 concentration data in one CSV (comma separated value) file with the following columns - Time (DD.MM.YY HH:MM) - Group count - Mean concentration (ppb) - Mean PMT voltage (V) - Mean lamp voltage (V) - Mean lamp intensity (Hz) - Mean actual internal temperature (degrees C) - Mean react chamber temperature (degrees C) - Mean sample flow (l/m3) - Mean actual pressure (mmHg) - Mean SO2bkg (ppb) - Mean SO2 coefficient provides OASIS_DMPS_data.csv: containing the DMPS aerosol size distribution data in one CSV (comma separated value) file with the following columns - Time (DD.MM.YY HH:MM) - Total number concentration (cm-3) The next 30 columns are dN/dlogDp concentrations for particles in diameters (nm) of: - 7.523187 - 8.83572 - 10.37725 - 12.18771 - 14.31404
- 16.81134
- 19.74433
- 23.18903
- 27.23471
- 31.98621
- 37.56669
- 44.12077
- 51.8183 - 60.85879
- 71.47652
- 83.94667
- 98.59244
- 115.7934
- 135.9953
- 159.7217
- 187.5876
- 220.315 - 258.7523
- 303.8956
- 356.9148
- 419.1839
- 492.3169
- 578.209 - 679.0863
- 797.5631 - Total number concentration of nucleation mode (10-25 nm) aerosol particles (cm-3) - Total number concentration of Aitken mode (25-100 nm) aerosol particles (cm-3) - Total number concentration of accumulation mode (100-maximum nm) aerosol particles (cm-3) provides a set of CSV (comma separated value) files containing the cloud condensation nuclei counts, kappa and activation fractions at different super saturations, with individual files per super saturation value (0.1, 0.2 0.3, 0.6, 1.0) List of files: - 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_0.1.csv - 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_0.2.csv - 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_0.3.csv - 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_0.6.csv - 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_1.0.csv - kappas_0.2.csv - kappas_0.3.csv - kappas_0.6.csv - kappas_1.0.csv - ss_0.1.csv - ss_0.20.csv - ss_0.30.csv - ss_0.60.csv - ss_1.00.csv

The files 10_min_avg_ccn_SS_X.X.csv (where XX = 0.1, 0.2 0.3, 0.6, 1.0) contain the following columns (more specific information is available from the CCN-100 instrument's manual: DOC-0086 Rev I-2 © 2012 DROPLET MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.) - Time -- SS Setting (SS setpoint in %) - TempStab? (Temperature stabilized 0 = No, 1 = Yes) - Delta T Set (Temperature Difference (degrees C)) - T1 Set (Temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T1 Read (Measured temperature (degrees C)) - T2 Set (Temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T2 Read (Measured temperature (degrees C)) - T3 Set (Temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T3 Read (Measured temperature (degrees C)) - Nafion Set (Temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T Nafion (Measured temperature (degrees C)) - Inlet Set (Inlet temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T Inlet (Measured Inlet temperature (degrees C)) - OPC set (OPC temperature setpoint (degrees C)) - T OPC (OPC measured temperature (degrees C)) - Sample Temp (Measured sample temperature (degrees C)) - Sample flow (volumetric cubic centimetres per minute (vccm)) - Sheath flow (volumetric cubic centimetres per minute (vccm)) - Abs. Press (Absolute pressure in kPa) - Laser Current (mA) - ADC overflow (The number of particles that have been detected but rejected for counting because they were oversized.) - Baseline Monitor (V) - 1 st Stage Monitor (V) - Bin Setting - Bin 1 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 2 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 3 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 4 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 5 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 6 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 7 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 8 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 9 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 10 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 11 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 12 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 13 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 14 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 15 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 16 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 17 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 18 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 19 (The raw particle count in bin) - Bin 20 (The raw particle count in bin) - Number Conc. (#/cm^-3) - Alarm Code (Integer)

The files kappas_X.X.csv (where XX = 0.1, 0.2 0.3, 0.6, 1.0) contain the following columns (sigmoid curve: y = (fit1+(fit2-fit1)/(1+10*((fit3-dp)fit4))) where Dp is in particle diameter in nm. fit1, fit2, fit3 and fit4 are parameters for the curve fit) - line number (n) - time (YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) - fit1 (variable in sigmoid curve, see equation above) - fit2 (variable in sigmoid curve, see equation above) - fit3 (variable in sigmoid curve, see equation above) - fit4 (variable in sigmoid curve, see equation above) - pressure (hPa) - residual (goodness of fit) - temperature (degrees C) - kappa (Kappa value) - d50 (Critical particle diameter in nm, where 50% of the particles activate)

The files ss_X.X.csv (where XX = 0.1, 0.2 0.3, 0.6, 1.0) contain the following columns (one measurement set comprises a group of five rows which therefore all have the same timestamp) - start_time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) - end_time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) - variable (dp, frac, ccn, cpc or aux) - - 20 columns denoting Variable is dp, particle diameters in nm. Variable is frac, fraction of particles activated (ccn / cpc) at that diameter. Variable is ccn, number concentration (in ambient conditions) of particles detected by the CCN counter at that diameter. Variable is cpc, number concentration (in ambient conditions) of particles detected by the condensation particle counter (cpc) at that diameter . Variable is aux, ambient pressure (hPa) and temperature (degrees C) "nan" stands for an invalid measurement.

An example measurement set of data is: 2018-07-09 00:03:11,2018-07-09 00:12:03,dp,10,11.846,14.033,16.624,19.693,23.328,27.635,32.736,38.78,45.939,54.42,64.466,76.368,90.466,107.167,126.951,150.388,178.151,211.04,250 2018-07-09 00:03:11,2018-07-09 00:12:03,frac,4.465,nan,nan,nan,nan,0.1396,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,0.05332,0.04623,0.05518,0.1164,0.1718,0.2097,0.402 2018-07-09 00:03:11,2018-07-09 00:12:03,ccn,0.5517,nan,nan,nan,nan,0.1117,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,0.5642,0.5633,0.7858,1.575,2.136,2.026,2.697 2018-07-09 00:03:11,2018-07-09 00:12:03,cpc,0.126,0.15,0.132,0.39,0.414,0.816,0.972,1.619,2.261,3.364,4.96,6.555,9.019,10.79,12.43,14.53,13.79,12.68,9.853,6.843 2018-07-09 00:03:11,2018-07-09 00:12:03,aux,971,20.23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Metadata Access
Creator Kesti, J.; O'Connor, E. J.; Hirsikko, A.; Backman, J.; Lihavainen, H.; Korhonen, H.; Asmi, E.
Instrument WXT 520 automatic weather station; Halo Doppler lidar (Streamline version); Thermo Scientific 43i-TLE (S02 concentration); Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS); Cloud Condensation Nuclei counter (CCNc)
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format zip
Size 643.0 MB; 5 files
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage (55.978 LON, 25.235 LAT); Al Dhaid
Temporal Coverage 2018-02-19T22:00:00.000Z 2019-02-14T22:00:00.000Z