Lucky Strike, EMSO-Azores observatory : mooring 2023 dataset


This dataset compiles mooring data collected at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal site, deployed from 24/06/2022 to 17/07/2023 as part of the EMSO-Azores observatory during the MomarSat Cruise. This experiment has been operated to provide long time-series of bottom currents and water column properties (position : 37°17.747' N 32°16.732' W). The dataset spans 815 meters from the seafloor and contains recordings of temperature, pressure, salinity and 3D velocity. The sampling intervals of the sensors range from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. The data was acquired with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP Aquadopp V2.00.02), two SBE 37 Microcat probes (SBE37SM-RS232), nine RBRsolo, and one RBRduet T.D. The RBR sensors were quality controlled through an inter-comparison exercise using a SBE 19plus Seacat CTD. An overview of the experimental setup, a map of the mooring location, and a script to read the data are provided. The data is available in .cnv, .csv and .xlsx file formats, for compatibility with the pandas library in Python.

Metadata Access
Creator Lemaréchal, Cyprien; Ferron, Bruno; Leizour, Stephane; Hamon, Michel; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Matabos, Marjolaine
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC-BY-NC
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science