Ba3NdRu2O9 is an intriguing material exhibiting a structural phase transition at 110 K, an independent ordering of the Nd (25 K, FM,T1 ) and Ru (18, AFM,T2 ) magnetic sublattices, spin reorientation (Nd, AFM canting, 18 K) and an accompanying structural phase transition. The structural phase transition at 110K appears to occur as a result of single ion effects associated with the crystal field levels of Nd3+. These effects see a reversal at the magnetic ordering transition T1 where the degeneracy of the Kramers doublet ground state of Nd3+ is raised by the breaking of time reversal symmetry. The unusually strong coupling of the crystal field levels to the lattice, and their response to the magnetic ordering, represent a new mechanism for achieving a strong coupling between magnetic and structural degrees of freedom. We request 4 days on MARI to study the crystal field excitations.