This is the first publication of a source code of the (Learning) Inverse Problem Matching Pursuits ((L)IPMPs) by NS. The software was developed during the PhD-Thesis of NS. The main code is written in C/C++ using the GSL and the NLopt library. The visualization codes are written in Matlab. We advise to start with reading the README file which states related publications for further information, explains the general structure of the source code and how to use it.
Source code of the (L)IPMPs. First published version. Finalized 2020.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), projects MI 655/7-2 and MI 655/14-1. We are grateful for using the HPC Clusters Horus and Omni maintained by the ZIMT of the University of Siegen for development and numerical experiments.